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It’s REALTOR® Conference & Expo Time

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Nobu Hata

Nobu Hata

By Nobu Hata

What can I say that already hasn’t been said. YPN Party, tweetups, committee meetings, and forums, all are at the ready. And while it’s not as “stuffy” as the MidYear meetings, there are things worth doing while you’re in the Big Easy, no matter your pleasure!

The Studious: ePRO is being relaunched and it’s pretty darn relevant and I, for one, am ecstatic I won’t have to talk about “listservs” any more. Even cooler: the folks who’ve developed it will be there in person for you to chat with! (Bill and Hal Lublin, Ginger Wilcox, Amy Chorew plus Todd Carpenter, Brian Copeland and yours truly, had a hand in it as well) ABR is being offered FOR FREE if you make it in by Wednesday morning. Whodat!

The Geek: Real Estate Bar Camp – New Orleans

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Thursday. Rain Camp Friday. Peer-to-Peer Skillshops Saturday. And they’re all FREE! Except for the Skillshops, those come with your full conference registration or a one-day Saturday pass.

The Foodie: I really can’t say enough about the southern cuisine and its tendency to be Crisco-based – I can’t wait! Beignets and coffee is a NOLA staple, prepare for the crowds. Cochon is sounding like an early NARdigras fav. And there are more crawfish and oyster spots in the French Quarter than you can shake a stick at. (Hint: suck out the stuff in the head, it’s really flavorful!)

The Sports Fanatic: THE MIAMI HEAT are in town Friday night! Go make fun of LeBron and crew, in person.

The Music Fanatic: If you can’t get into the NOLA jazz and blues scene, you aren’t alive (check out Preservation Hall). But if you need to see Southern Culture on the Skids at One-Eyed Jacks, or Gwar at the House of Blues to make it a well-rounded work weekend, have at it! DJ Shadow is playing the House of Blues Sunday, for good measure.

The Arts Fanatic: The Ogden Museum of Southern Art is a must-see. As is the Historic New Orleans Collection

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. The mix of art and music is incredible!

All right guys, now for the reminders: Last time I went out in NOLA, I came back to the hotel without my wallet, so be cognizant of your personal belongings at all times. Travel in groups, really. There are three conventions running in addition to ours, so be patient, there will be crowds. And don’t be stupid, OK? If you’ve had a little too much to drink, don’t be afraid to take a cab back to your hotel. Bonus: They take credit cards!

Can’t make it? Follow the #nardigras Twitter hashtag and stay tuned to narconferencelive.com

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to follow the action.

Nobu Hata is a sales associate for Edina Realty in Minneapolis, and a founding member of the Minneapolis YPN group, the YoPros. Visit his Web site at www.nobuhata.com.

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