One of the newest YPN chapters is already getting young people involved.
Meet Young REALTORS® of the Bluegrass (YRB), based in Lexington, Ky. They were one of eight new YPN chapters approved in September alone, bringing the total number of chapters nationwide up to 29.
As a kickoff event, YRB organized a networking social-hour on Aug. 17 at a local restaurant/bar with live music, food, and fun. Chairman Casey Weesner even worked with a local graphic design artist to create a logo, and a printing company in town donated 50 free t-shirts, which they gave out at the event.
YRP is now planning future fundraising and volunteer opportunities, and hope to have 50 members by the year’s end.
Quick facts:
Chapter name: Young REALTORS® of the Bluegrass (YRB)
Main contact:
Katy Jones
Address: 2250 Regency Rd, Lexington KY 40503
Main Number
: 859-514-6228
Number of members in chapter
: 27
Casey Weesner
Congratulations to YRB!
The Young Professionals Network is a great place to connect with other real estate industry professionals. By getting involved or starting your own local chapter, you’ll create a bridge to many industry tools, resources, and networking events. For more information, or to download a chapter application, visit