Brian Copeland
By Brian Copeland, 2009 NAR Conference Blogger
Zero money was spent on ads. Zero information went out through overly official channels. Social media and organic communication lead more than 500 registrants to NAR’s first RE BarCamp held at Stingaree (a venue bar in the Gaslight District). The day kicked off with a whole lot of amazing networking.
I always worry about what I call “social media dissonance,” what you expect when you meet a person face-to-face after networking with them online for months/years. Needless to say, in 99 percent of the situations, the meeting exceeded my expectation. And, by the way, I’ll be hosting a RE BarCamp in Nashville, Tennessee in 2010…if Taylor Swift can win entertainer of the year for the CMAs, Nashville can pull this off!
Once everyone got oriented to how the day was to flow, a day of impromptu session, everyone gathered around several big dry erase boards to find out where they were going to spend the each of the 30 minute segments. Sessions centered around the social media theme and included video blogging, mobile apps, WordPress SEO, social media brand equity, blog content, legal issues in in social media and blogging, advanced Twitter, distressed sales/short sales and brokerage of the future, just to name a few of the 58 topics.