Shot of a young businessman looking nervous while rehearsing a speech at a conference

These 5 Professional Insecurities Could Cost You Money

Nicole Slaughter Graham Business Challenges Leave a Comment

Most real estate professionals all have that one thing they absolutely don’t want to do: public speaking, door-knocking, networking. The reality is that not partaking in certain aspects of the business could be costing you money or keeping you from reaching your full potential in the business. YPN member, real estate trainer and presenter, Heather Haase, recently covered some common …

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Prosperity or Perdition? My First Year in Real Estate

Blog Contributor Business Challenges, New REALTOR®, Personal Fulfillment 22 Comments

By Elizabeth Mackay I had the fairytale notion I was so well suited to real estate that I somehow would transcend all odds to rise to stardom in a matter of months.  I thought, naively, that I would visualize and affirm my way to $100,000 in commission in my first year.  Well how could I not, I’m a decent photographer, …