Erica Christoffer
By Erica Christoffer, Multimedia Web Producer, REALTOR® Magazine
Are you on YPN Member Fuse
? You should be. It’s the new Young Professionals Network online networking community and database system exclusively for members affiliated with a YPN.
The goal of Member Fuse is to provide an easy-to-use forum of interactive and searchable YPN profiles, allowing members to connect and share ideas.
Ben Martin, product manager at NFi Studios, helped YPNers sign up and create profiles during the YPN Midyear networking event May 10 at the Park at Fourteenth in Washington, D.C.
“We’ve seen how the YPN Facebook page has taken off. I want to see the same type of excitement and interaction going on at the YPN Community,” said YPN Vice Chair Nobu Hata during the Subcommittee’s Midyear board meeting. “The goal is to be the hub for all things YPN.”
For more info, check out Lounge blogger Scott Newman’s recent post. And don’t forget to sign up at narypn.memberfuse.com