Nobu Hata
By Nobu Hata
I know, I know, you’ve heard about all the goings on at MidYear Meetings. It’s “boring,” “there’s no point to it,” or “what do they do in D.C., anyways?” Fact of the matter is, it’s at these meetings that policy — present and future — gets discussed among the members of the National Association of REALTORS®. And it’s at these particular meetings that mobilization of the “under recognized groups” will be discussed. YPN will be one of those groups. Last time I checked, we are both of the above.
So with policy conversations, committees, forums, meetings… it doesn’t mean you can’t have any fun. Outside of New York City, there is no more vibrant a town than Washington, D.C. Shops, restaurants, bars, they’re all open late, and the cooler part? It’s a city devoid of folks actually native to it. Everyone is from another part of the country, making random conversations with complete strangers commonplace.
The lowdown…
REALTOR(R) stuff: Sit in on a committee meeting. YPN involvement is mandatory now, so get to it. Check out the meeting schedule.
International Night Out:
Want to learn and network with international peeps? Attend the International Networking Reception on Wednesday, May 12. (This is a ticketed event, so sign up early.)
The Business Technology & Information Systems Forum is Thursday, May 13.
Come learn something new, and share what you know. In fact, bring a veteran agent with you and show ‘em that we’re not all about Facebooking and Twittering.
OK, so some of us Twitter… a lot. Midyear Tweetup is 5 p.m. Thursday, May 13 at the Marriott Wardman Park Lobby Lounge.
YPN get-together: “SpeakingEasy with YPN” at The Gibson, Thursday night. Register right now; it will fill up! REGISTRATION IS FULL! (*updated 4/23)
Don’t forget about the tradeshow!
Tourist stuff: All the museums and memorials are a short cab ride (or longish walk) away, and are free to get into. My picks: The Smithsonian, Holocaust, and the Air and Space Museum.
Woodley Park Zoo is nearby.
Go to Rock Creek Park and rent a bike or play golf!
Rent a canoe at Jack’s Boathouse.
Check out Shear Madness at the Kennedy Center.
Old Town Alexandria is a charm and character explosion, not to mention a shopping experience to behold.
Fun Stuff: The Woodley Park and nearby Dupont Circle neighborhoods are awesome with plenty of eats, drinks and shops.
Across the street from the Omni Shoreham is Open City Café, awesome for breakfast!
Down the street is Lebanese Taverna, which is a local chain. Great for late dinners. The French place next door ain’t too shabby either.
AdamsMorgan neighborhood. Um, this is where my “random conversations with complete strangers” statement will apply; Georgetown kids, everywhere!
The Buzzcocks are playing at the BlackCat – a classic rock show venue akin to CBGB’s in NYC – Tuesday night.
Take a yoga class at TranquilSpace. Imagine Oprah and Martha Stewart raising a yogi, and you have owner Kimberly Wilson.
Remember: Be safe. It’s a big city, after all. While it’s relatively safe at all hours, it won’t hurt to use common sense: Travel in groups, safeguard your cash, be cool and take a cab when you need to.
Hashtag: #midyear. Follow YPNers @ypn, @nashvillebrian, @bobbihowe
, me @nobuhata, and @laurarubinchuk on Twitter and keep up with the REALTOR® happenings.
So there you have it! Make the trip to D.C., hang out with your fellow YPNers, share your expertise and learn WITH veteran agents. Become part of the conversation, not a spectator to it; and let’s show these guys what YPN is all about!
Nobu Hata is a sales associate for Edina Realty in Minneapolis, and a founding member of the Minneapolis YPN group, the YoPros. Visit his Web site at
Comments 2
I’d add that the M (Metro) is your friend. I’ve used it the last 3 years at midyear, found it safe, convenient, quick and affordable. I even take it from the airport to my hotel.
Hill visits are another aspect of the meetings, but you need to coordinate those through your state association and Federal Political Coordinators.
There will be tons of unscripted opportunities to get together and network- best way to find out about them is via Twitter.
You/ve got that right Matt! Looking forward to meeting you next week!