Bobbi Howe
By Bobbi Howe
In case you’ve been hiding under a rock and hadn’t heard, NARdiGras 2010, the REALTORS® Conference & Expo is being held in New Orleans November 5-8. Personally, I cannot wait for NARdiGras to get here as a) I’ve never been to New Orleans; and b) I love getting together with my fellow REALTORS® to network and learn.
As excited as I am for NARdiGras, I am even more excited about an event that will be taking place the 2 days before NARdiGras officially kicks off. I’m talking about the REALTORS® Volunteer Build Days November 3-4. Working in conjunction with the New Orleans Area Habitat for Humanity and Rebuilding Together New Orleans, we will be working to rebuild and restore homes for deserving families in the New Orleans area.
I would like to personally invite every single member of the YPN family to come out and join us. Let’s come together and do something for the greater good. Experience what’s it like to work side-by-side with your YPN friends and fellow REALTORS® and give back to a community that has had so much taken from them. Our communities are the heart of our business. Let’s show this community what they mean to us. To register, just follow the simple instructions in the link above.
I look forward to seeing you all there! You’ll recognize me with the big smile on my face!
Bobbi Howe is a second-generation practitioner with Coldwell Banker General Properties in St. Joseph, Mo. She currently serves as outreach chair on the YPN Advisory Board and is a co-founder of the Missouri YPN chapter. @bobbihowe
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