Lincoln Crum
By Lincoln Crum
We’ve all heard this statement enough over the past month as we’ve entered a new year and a brand new decade. There’s a ton of talk, within our industry about new trends, technology, updates, Web2.0 and now 3.0. Lots of “new” speak these days.
Being a 20-year veteran of the industry, starting when I was a teenager, I’ve seen a lot of things developed that make us better REALTORS®, especially within the realm of technology. The key is for all of us to use the new technology and tools to enhance our business, serve our clients better and hopefully allow us to make more money.
I have a REALTOR® in our hometown who always has the newest computer, coolest cell phone earpiece, and is always talking about technology and how it has allowed him to achieve higher levels of success. Out of curiosity, I did a little research and learned he barely closed enough deals over the past two years to stay alive. Now, don’t get me wrong, I am knocking him a bit. But if you don’t have those good old fashioned selling skills, there’s a good chance you aren’t going to survive in this business, regardless of how fast your new laptop is.
I’m afraid this particular agent is spending too much time trying to create a “cutting edge” image instead of just working his sphere and servicing his clients.
Some of the old is good and shouldn’t be thrown out. Returned phone calls promptly, well managed paperwork in your transactions, good communication with your broker or fellow agents and a daily dose of thank yous will get you further in this business than anything. Use this new technology to build your business by leveraging some “old school” business practices.
Enough for now, I need to get back to www.Apple.com
and daydream about getting my new iPad next month.
Lincoln Crum is REALTOR®, auctioneer, and entrepreneur based out of the Louisville, Ky. area. Lincoln can be found at www.ReachLincoln.com.