Mindset Reset: Taking Care of Yourself as an Entrepreneur

Khalid N. Bryan Work/Life Balance 1 Comment

By: Khalid Bryan As a real estate professional, you are an entrepreneur. Being a business owner is not easy on the mind. The traditional job isn’t either, but there are unique challenges that entrepreneurs face—lack of a steady paycheck, being the marketer, the accountant and the manager—that don’t exist in the traditional workforce. There are also unique challenges faced in …

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Goal Setting for 2012: You Have to Want the Result More Than You Hate the Pain of Getting There!

Blog Contributor Business Challenges, Helpful Tools, Professional Development 3 Comments

By Jared James buy abilify online abilify online generic Hi Ypn’ers! If you are like most people, you are planning to do one of two things for the New Year: 1.)      Get motivated and try once again to set a new goal for the New Year, or… 2.)      Don’t even attempt it because you have been there, done that, and …

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Zuckerberg: ‘Have Faith in What You Are Doing’

Blog Contributor Business Challenges, Personal Fulfillment, Professional Development 4 Comments

By Chris Nichols I had the unique opportunity to attend a special event this last Friday. I didn’t realize how unique this event was until I got there and heard the speaker admit that he was a little nervous as he had never spoken to a stadium full of people before. That was kind of shocking to me since the …