Mindset Reset: Taking Care of Yourself as an Entrepreneur

Khalid N. Bryan Work/Life Balance 1 Comment

By: Khalid Bryan As a real estate professional, you are an entrepreneur. Being a business owner is not easy on the mind. The traditional job isn’t either, but there are unique challenges that entrepreneurs face—lack of a steady paycheck, being the marketer, the accountant and the manager—that don’t exist in the traditional workforce. There are also unique challenges faced in …

Can Real Estate Professionals Take a Digital Break? Experts Say Yes

Blog Contributor Work/Life Balance Leave a Comment

By: Leandra Beabout Editor’s note: This article was re-posted from the Wellness section of NAR’s digital REALTOR® Magazine. Do you have a complicated relationship with your phone? You’re not alone. A whopping 30% of American adults report being online “almost constantly,” according to data(link is external) from the Pew Research Center. Unfortunately, scientific research(link is external) makes it abundantly clear that too much …

Illustration of person building with balanced shape blocks

How to Prioritize Work-Life Balance in Real Estate

Robert Gideon Work/Life Balance Leave a Comment

By: Robert Gideon Maintaining a healthy work-life balance is a common struggle for many professionals, and real estate professionals are no exception. The nature of the real estate industry demands flexibility and accessibility, often blurring the lines between work and personal life. However, achieving equilibrium is possible and essential to prevent burnout and ensure overall well-being. In this article, we’ll …

Three women of different ethnicities stand together. Black Businesswoman, Mother with child, Pregnant female support each other. Cooperation and partnership concept. Vector illustration

The MOMpreneur Life: Balancing Real Estate and Motherhood

Monika Bhondy Work/Life Balance Leave a Comment

By: Monika Bhondy Living the entrepreneur life becomes second nature when you work in real estate.  Often consumed with operating your business while taking on financial risks can be both time-consuming and emotionally taxing if you don’t have the necessary systems in place. Add motherhood to the mix, and you have the recipe for “complicated.” According to the National Association …

Real estate team meeting around table

Teamwork: Why Two Heads May Be Better Than One

Barbara Ballinger Establishing Your Business, Managing Your Agents, Sales & Marketing, Work/Life Balance Leave a Comment

By Barbara Ballinger Key Takeaways: Have specific reasons why a team might benefit your work, personal situation, or personality. Be sure goals, roles, and commission splits are all detailed. Have an exit strategy in case it doesn’t work out. Some real estate salespeople form a team to achieve a better work-life balance. When one’s on vacation or ill, the other …

Top Producer Life: How to Take a Day Off

Blog Contributor Business Challenges, Work/Life Balance 8 Comments

By Jasen Edwards Why don’t mummies go on vacation? Because they’re afraid to unwind! Now, what about real estate agents? Why don’t they go on vacation, or even take time off regularly for that matter? Sadly, it’s because too many feel that like a mummy—if they relax, their business will unwind. I’ve spent more than two decades showing agents how …

Be a Little Selfish—This is Your Business, After All

Blog Contributor Business Challenges, Work/Life Balance, Working with Clients 9 Comments

By Jef Conn Early last year, I got home from a long, trying day in the real estate trenches: showing properties, prospecting, having a couple deals fall out of contract. You know, the normal days we have that HGTV doesn’t show its viewers. I spent the entire day, no, that entire week, trying to please and do everything for everyone …

Take A Day Off—You Can’t Afford Not To

Blog Contributor Business Challenges, Personal Fulfillment, Work/Life Balance 2 Comments

By Jef Conn Shout out to the agents who are working long hours, evenings, and weekends, without taking a personal day so you can keep up with business or better serve your clients. I’ve been there. Most of us can look around our offices and see fellow agents working hard and not taking time off. We want to serve our …

Carpe Diem: Taking Time to Travel

Blog Contributor Business Challenges, Personal Fulfillment 1 Comment

By Samantha Jones The elusive work-life balance—many of us strive for it—but it’s easier said than done. It can be difficult to step off the hamster wheel in this 24/7 business. Yet, I’ve found the harder it is to unplug and unwind, the more crucial it is that we do so. Removing ourselves from the grind of real estate is …

How to Deal When Your Plate is Full

Blog Contributor Business Challenges, Political Action & Involvement, Work/Life Balance 6 Comments

By Rebecca Donatelli Closing sales, managing my team, serving on my association’s board of directors, working as YPN chair, hosting seminars, blogging about the industry—what a mouthful—and that’s not the half of it. Selling real estate can be more than a full-time job, so tacking on other responsibilities may seem exhausting and overwhelming, especially when many of them are volunteered …