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How to Prioritize Work-Life Balance in Real Estate

Robert Gideon Work/Life Balance Leave a Comment

By: Robert Gideon Maintaining a healthy work-life balance is a common struggle for many professionals, and real estate professionals are no exception. The nature of the real estate industry demands flexibility and accessibility, often blurring the lines between work and personal life. However, achieving equilibrium is possible and essential to prevent burnout and ensure overall well-being. In this article, we’ll …

Tips to Avoid Burnout in Real Estate

Blog Contributor Work/Life Balance 3 Comments

By: Chris Heller Did you know that 80% of real estate agents burnout in their first two years? From finding suitable properties to pricing them to market demand and listing them, working in real estate is taxing. The constant need for a fresh set of ideas and solutions can be draining. The lack of routine and a schedule combined with …

Real Estate and Pregnancy: Lessons Learned

Kayla Johnson Personal Fulfillment, Work/Life Balance 1 Comment

By: Kayla Johnson I can proudly say that I’m officially one of those moms that have to juggle everything. Being an active real estate agent in this market already comes equipped with its dose of chaos, but I invite you to try managing that with a six-week-old baby. It’s insane! – but doable (trust me). Honestly, pregnancy has been the …

Keeping Business Afloat During a Pandemic

Blog Contributor Business Challenges, Working with Clients 4 Comments

By Samantha Jones My, how times change. In the span of a few weeks, our entire world and industry has been turned upside down. The Earth keeps spinning while the normalcy of our lives is indefinitely put on hold due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We’re living in unprecedented times—social distancing, sheltering in place, and quarantines have become necessities. Repeat after …

Be a Little Selfish—This is Your Business, After All

Blog Contributor Business Challenges, Work/Life Balance, Working with Clients 9 Comments

By Jef Conn Early last year, I got home from a long, trying day in the real estate trenches: showing properties, prospecting, having a couple deals fall out of contract. You know, the normal days we have that HGTV doesn’t show its viewers. I spent the entire day, no, that entire week, trying to please and do everything for everyone …

Take A Day Off—You Can’t Afford Not To

Blog Contributor Business Challenges, Personal Fulfillment, Work/Life Balance 2 Comments

By Jef Conn Shout out to the agents who are working long hours, evenings, and weekends, without taking a personal day so you can keep up with business or better serve your clients. I’ve been there. Most of us can look around our offices and see fellow agents working hard and not taking time off. We want to serve our …