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What Would It Take to Get You to MidYear?

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Nobu Hata

Nobu Hata

By Nobu Hata

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What would it take to get you to MidYear this year?

It’s a serious question.

And no, I’m not going to use any replies in some insidious way.

Seriously though, what is it about NAR MidYear that makes it so abhorrent to the average REALTOR®?  What makes the alternative shows so much more appealing in comparison?  Is it boring?  Intimidating? Does it have zero value in our business?

InmanConnect, RE Tech South, REBarCampMongolia, Triple Play — the list goes on and on and each year we pick and choose which of these trade shows to spend our hard-earned credit card miles on; sometimes a combination of them, almost all in consecutive years.  I can’t help but think that the niche’ness of these events is the draw. But how much social media information or tech training or blogging workshops can one attend before the content becomes, well, boring?

Then again, I see the same thing happening at MidYear.  Every year I go I – literally – see the same the same REALTORS® and Association Executives hamming it up.  And to be honest with you, the biggest appeal of going to Washington, D.C. in the spring for MidYear was that –ahem– I was going to D.C. in the spring.  (Beautiful city and the food rocks, in spite of my allergies.)

But tell you what, talk of “Raise the Bar” and increased REALTOR® activism has lit a fire in many, including myself.  Whispers of a first-time or return to MidYear has been pervasive in the REALTOR® socialwebs with the realization that it’s moot to talk about change in a WordPress seminar.  Not only that, but the possibility of a formal BarCamp to go along with all the Committee Meetings/Forums this year is going to be the best of both worlds.

Toby Boyce’s “Above the Bar” blog post from last week mentioned an internship/mentorship hybrid.  What better place to talk about it than at MidYear?  Are you a newer agent looking for a mentor?  Find him or her at MidYear – it doesn’t have to be a local mentor, right?  Vet or newbie: how about sitting in on a couple of the committee meetings and forums at and learning something.  The insight gained from the melding of these groups of REALTORS® this year will be a sight to see.

It’s May 10-15.  The schedule: http://www.realtor.org/convhome.nsf/pages/midyearsms. There, now you have no excuse.  Book your ticket. Heck, some of you can even drive.  Split a hotel room and save the niche camp for another year.  Besides, it’s D.C.!  It’s a beautiful city and the food rocks!  In spite of my allergies.

Nobu Hata is a sales associate for Edina Realty in Minneapolis,  and a founding member of the Minneapolis YPN group, the YoPros.  Visit his Web site at www.nobuhata.com.

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Comments 6

  1. Nobu – Thanks for the reference to my post, we are going to have a little trail going here 🙂

    Now to answer your question.

    First, I am going to Mid-Year this spring for the first time. What got me there? I was appointed to an NAR committee via YPN. (So I “have” to be there)

    Why haven’t I gone in my more than three years in real estate? The biggest reason is that I always thought it was a “member’s only” party. The convention is the “party” where everyone goes and is seen. But that the mid-year meetings are for the “worker bees”. I see the same thing at the Ohio Association of REALTORS events, the annual convention outdraws all the other “meeting days” combined.

    Just my two cents.

  2. MidYear is my Favorite Convention~ I look forward to it every year. The Hill Visits are awesome and being able to have a voice is so empowering. The classes and meetings are always top-notch. I love the idea of a formal BARCamp while there. Just keep the costs down! 🙂 Thanks

  3. Hi Nobu, I went down to the Mid-Years for a day last year, basically just for YPN Networking Event.

    I am attending the full conference this year, mainly because of my NAR committee appointment via YPN. I agree the “Raise the Bar” is working and I hope to meet many more people at the Mid Years.

    Hope to see you there.

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  5. I’m going this year for the 1st time too because I’ve been appointed to a committee through YPN. Anyone know what day and time the YPN Networking Event will happen? I don’t see it on the schedule and want to make sure I am there that day.

  6. I have been to many NAR conferences through out the years. But I, like so many others, have not attended one in several years. It’s time to go back. The “raise the Bar” initiative is what is drawing me back.

    I do also greatly enjoy seeing old friends and business associates, and meeting new ones!

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