Crystal Webster
By Crystal Webster
Do you ever feel like you’re back in high school and trying to get your college application all put together? At least for me, during the final push for college grades didn’t matter, classes were out the window, and books were only for propping open your door.
The extracurricular section of the application got 100 percent of my attention the last semester of high school (even though it was probably too late at that point to matter)…
Anyway, sometimes that’s how I feel – as though all the “extras” are more important than the grades and classes. Especially going into the “slow time” it seems like everyone wants to know: “What else do you do?”
I DO do lots of other things: volunteer my time, sit on boards, blog, administer a networking website, manage residential property, spend time with my friends and family, help old ladies across the street, nurse stray dogs back to health…but don’t you want to know about my grades? Don’t you want to see my stats and just how good I am at what I actually do?
Come on, it’s not like every time you go to your doctor you ask them about their “second job.” (in fact, I think I’d be a little scared if they had a second job).
Do you get this question often? Do you steer clear of answering it or how do you answer it? What do you WANT to be known for?
Crystal Webster is a REALTOR® in the Kansas City area. Visit her networking site at www.kcyoungprofessionals.com and her Web site and blog at
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