By Crystal Webster

Crystal Webster
I’m in the market for a new home. Wow, I’d almost forgotten what it’s like to be on the other side of the transaction! It’s actually been a great experience to help remind me what it’s like to be the client.
I’m normally a very rational, logical person. But house hunting does crazy things to people. I’ve lost all my common business sense while searching for a home; I just want the home that “feels right.”
My biggest concern, as the buyer, is finding the PERFECT house for my family. Normally, my biggest concern, as the REALTOR®, is to remove the emotion from the transaction, crunch the numbers, and complete the contracts.
The houses I look at can have every feature I want (and even some features I didn’t know I wanted) but if the property doesn’t feel right, then it doesn’t make the “short list.” I can look at house after house, but if I can’t imagine my family sitting around the dinner table sharing a meal or playing catch in the back yard, the property is out.
This process has reminded me to keep it all in perspective and has helped me put a little of the emotion back in the job. Not everything has to be about getting the best value, room size, conveniences, amenities, and proximity to the grocery store. Just because a house is “perfect” on paper doesn’t mean it’ll be “perfect” for the individual. Try to remember that the next time you take out those clients who “just don’t seem to get it.” It might be the REALTOR® who “doesn’t seem to get it.”
I know I will.
Crystal Webster is a REALTOR in the Kansas City area. Visit her networking site at and her Web site and blog at
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