By Sam DeBord
The National Association of REALTORS® recently voted to approve updates to its operating agreement with® and allow more flexibility for the Web site. There has been a wide range of reactions from REALTORS®. This blog is part one of my five-part series in which I will discuss the propriety of the agreement.
Let’s start with some background: NAR does not own the Web site. It merely owns the domain name,®, which it has licensed to Move, Inc. to operate. Many discussions center on this issue still today. This agreement started in the mid-90s. Whether or not some members liked it, it is a 20-year old moot issue. NAR only owns about 2.5 percent of Move, Inc. They are merely a marketing partner with whom REALTORS® have regulatory clout because of our ownership of the domain name.
The new agreement between NAR and® approves four major changes:
- Display unlisted new homes and new-home communities.
- Display unlisted rentals.
- Obtain listings from entities that are not REALTOR®-owned and controlled, as well as from brokers who are not REALTORS®.
- Identify properties where a notice of default has been recorded, auctions of distressed properties, short sales, foreclosures, and bank-owned properties. (Listing brokers will have the option to opt out by calling the® customer care center.)
Individual consumer FSBOs remain precluded from the site, and the changes will be implemented in a way that preserves®’s accuracy advantage, according to Move executives.
NAR directors are members—not some faraway body of executives. The directors who I know are just brokers and agents trying to make the best decisions for our industry. Arguing about all of these issues at once ensures that confusion and disagreement will be the end result.
Broken down one at a time, there are some very interesting issues for many different stakeholders that help to explain why the decisions were made. I will look at each issue one-by-one, starting with…
Displaying Unlisted New Homes and New Home Communities
This item flies under the radar of many, but has also drawn some of the sharpest criticism from those who really dug into the meaning of the agreement. The display of new construction homes often means that “model homes” or “home styles” are being advertised, which draw consumers out to the construction site and, theoretically, directly to the builder. New construction property ads are often thought of more as just advertising for a community, since the majority of buyers who inquire on that property will actually be sold a different model, different location, etc. when they actually arrive at the community. The attorneys get concerned about the way some people throw around the word listing. An ad on® isn’t a listing. It’s a listing if it’s represented by a practitioner and placed in the MLS.
Some members have objected, with the reasoning that new home developers will try to keep REALTORS® out of the process by luring buyers directly to themselves and cutting out the buyer’s representative. This is certainly a valid concern. Most builders are happy to engage a buyer’s representative, but there are also some who strategically try to reduce the buyer’s agent’s ability to earn a commission. By advertising unlisted properties, it has been said that builders and developers take on a role similar to a FSBO.
In the end, the NAR Board of Directors felt that the overall exposure to the marketplace and broader appeal to consumers outweighed those concerns. I imagine this was one of the toughest points for the REALTOR® members voting. Consumers want a site that shows them the entire market of available homes. The upside is the increased exposure to a larger inventory of homes for® visitors.® is a marketplace. REALTORS® are a brand of professionals. To have the opportunity to spread knowledge about the REALTOR® brand, we need to create the broadest, most consumer-friendly marketplace possible. Within that marketplace, we can display the great things that REALTORS® do for consumers to a much wider audience. In our fast-paced, limited-attention-span world, we need to grow our reach, not constrict it.
The REALTOR® brand is better served by allowing more consumers to be informed about their real estate professionals. The more we limit that exposure, the faster consumers flock to other Web sites, which is far more damaging to the brand.
Check back later this week for Part II: Displaying Unlisted Rentals.
Sam DeBord is a State Director for Washington REALTORS®, and managing broker with Coldwell Banker Danforth. Connect with his team at
Comments 5
If is now including non-listed new home and rental listings, where are these listings being pulled from?
Suzanne, the listing feeds come from a number of sources. Some are directly from an MLS, others are directly from brokers or a Listhub-type of service. I would imagine new home builders will get start feeding through one of the 3rd-party services.
Thanks to share such a great information about NAR/ Agreement Part 1: Displaying Unlisted New Homes & New Home Communities.
As long as the information is correct and up to date will never have as many homes for sale as the other competting sights. Differance up to now was listings were correct, price, aviabuilty, and other information. I continually get request for information on homes not found on 9 out of ten are under contract, cl;osed, or withdrawn. Often they have been closed for months. If you want more buyers to look at, do a better job of showing all the pictures of a listing, not just five, unless the listing agent, company pays more. Do a better job with your search engine making i easier to locate homes the buyer may be interested in. If you are going to give information about new construction homes, unlisted rentals for free, why should we even join and pay. You would be better off just adding a search option that lets them search the other sights through Realtor . com with a disclamer stating the information may be inaccurate as the source is unknown on the top of each other sight entry. This would drive the buyers to as the place you can see them all, but the only place where the information is varified when it has the Realtor Varified Heading.
Then you would have the best of both worlds, Who would not go to to search if they could see everything offered by the top 6 sights with each property with a heading showing which sight s came from.
The cliants start to stop looking at Xillo after the 4th or 5th home they call me about and we discover that they are no longer for sale.
HAVE A GREAT DAY, But Please do not give away the store.
How can I keep from displaying unlisted, new homes in all my searches? I am not interested in new home construction, and new home neighborhoods. How do I keep them from appearing in my searches?