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6 Twitter Rules for Real Estate Agents

Blog Contributor Professional Development, Technology & Social Media 7 Comments

You know you need to be on Twitter, and you have even heard other agents talk about how much traffic the social media giant can garner, but you have given it a go with nearly zero results. So what gives? Well, chances are you aren’t using the site correctly, and you aren’t alone.

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5 Tips to Avoid Website Snafus

Blog Contributor Professional Development, Technology & Social Media 5 Comments

By Stefanie Hahn Agents will often ask me to check out their real estate website.  They want to know how it looks, do I like it and are they doing it right?  I love when I get to peek into an agent’s website and get a glimpse of what is important to them.   Many agents opt for a template site …

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Inman Connect 2010: Steps to Successful Internet Marketing

Blog Contributor Professional Development, Sales & Marketing, Technology & Social Media, YPN Events 1 Comment

By Brian Copeland From Inman’s Real Estate Connect NYC‘s morning session on Internet marketing, Gothamist.com blogger-owner Jake Dobkin shares the following: Steps to Success: Step 1:  Produce Good Content Step 2:  Tell The Right People Step 3:  Measure Results Step 4:  Repeat Jake reports that the real estate industry usually drops the ball at step three.  He says if your …