Dominating Social Media for Your Real Estate Business

Blog Contributor Consumer, Sales & Marketing, Social Media, Technology & Social Media 1 Comment

By Rebecca Donatelli

It’s no secret that social media dominates today’s technology-based society, and has become a crucial part of everyday life for most. The rapid spread of news, celebrity gossip, and the genuine interest in other people’s lives has made social media the prime go-to resource to stay up-to-date.

The world we live in today is a digital one, …

The Biggest Social Media Fails in Real Estate

Blog Contributor Technology & Social Media 18 Comments

By Bill Gassett It’s no secret that social media is a must in the world of real estate. Today’s buyers and sellers turn the to various platforms and make snap judgments on what you have to offer. You do get points for actually having accounts on all of the main platforms (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, and Pinterest), but if you’re …

Use Your Tweets Wisely

Blog Contributor Professional Development, Sales & Marketing, Technology & Social Media 15 Comments

By Bill Gassett So, you’ve finally joined Twitter. How do you know what to tweet about to maximize your time and energy on this rapid-fire platform? How often can you tweet without annoying people? Your followers’ Twitter feeds moves at lighting speed, so it’s okay to post up to 10 times per day or more. Just don’t do all your …

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6 Twitter Rules for Real Estate Agents

Blog Contributor Professional Development, Technology & Social Media 7 Comments

You know you need to be on Twitter, and you have even heard other agents talk about how much traffic the social media giant can garner, but you have given it a go with nearly zero results. So what gives? Well, chances are you aren’t using the site correctly, and you aren’t alone.

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Social Media: Are You Doing it Wrong?

Blog Contributor Professional Development, Sales & Marketing, Technology & Social Media 8 Comments

By Scott Newman online pharmacy buy seroquel online no prescription pharmacy online pharmacy purchase zovirax online no prescription You’re on Facebook and Twitter four hours a day and you’re telling me you haven’t closed a lot of business lately?  Of course not!  Social media is just a tool in your arsenal — and when used effectively and efficiently it can …

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#TimeForABreak: Is Social Media Taking Over Your Life?

Blog Contributor Technology & Social Media, Work/Life Balance Leave a Comment

By Melissa Krchnak I’ve had a few friends over the last couple weeks who have pledged to stay off social media for a day or longer. While I applaud their restraint, I’m not sure I understand the motivation behind this extreme social media diet. For me, Facebook and Twitter simply fill in the gaps of a day rather than being …

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Is Your SEO Helping You SELL?

Blog Contributor Professional Development, Sales & Marketing, Technology & Social Media 6 Comments

By Melissa Krchnak I’m often asked by REALTORS® how they can increase their online presence. What’s the best blogging platform? Which social media site will yield more ROI? Should I beef up my e-mail signature? What should I put on my Facebook page? How many Craigslist ads should I post a day and when? The answer is simple: Stop getting in your …

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Popular Technology: Here Today, Overrated Tomorrow

Blog Contributor Professional Development, Technology & Social Media 4 Comments

By Laura Rubinchuk Schwartz It seems there’s a new hyped technology in real estate every week. Old favorites include Facebook, Craigslist, Twitter, Blogging, YouTube, and LinkedIn. But what about those sites that were so popular so fast and now we never hear about them anymore? Remember Posterous, Postlets, and now Pinterest? Real estate agents tend to kill technology quickly. With …

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Clean Your Social Media House in 2012

Blog Contributor Managing Your Office, Professional Development, Sales & Marketing, Social Media 10 Comments

By Stefanie Hahn Make a New Year’s resolution to better manage your name and online reputation. The first step is to figure out which social media platforms work best for you and your business. Check out my video to learn more. online pharmacy sildalis online with best prices today in the USA online pharmacy buy actos online no prescription Stefanie …

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Focus on Being Who You Are in Social Media

Blog Contributor Helpful Tools, Professional Development, Technology & Social Media 3 Comments

By Brooke Wolford online pharmacy buy furosemide no prescription pharmacy Social media is a great thing for our business. We are connecting to more consumers than ever.  It’s all fine and dandy. However, is what you portray online the real you? Recently, I attended a #tweetup.  There were a lot of social media “experts.”  Nowadays, who isn’t an expert?  Many …