By Chirag Shah Can you remember what it was like when you bought your first home? Whether you’re moving out of your parents’ house for the first time, buying your first place when getting married, or purchasing a larger home for an expanding family, you are going through an extreme change. For most people, everything they’ve ever known and called …
A Step-by-Step Guide: Convert Internet Leads to Sales
By Brandon Doyle In this day and age, it’s likely that a significant contingent of your leads originate online. Since many apps and websites cut out the need to pick up the phone or initiate conversation face-to-face, it’s increasingly common for first-time home buyers and veteran home owners alike to explore their real estate options online. With that in mind, …
Face-to-Face in San Diego
By Leanne Goff Returning from the REALTORS® Conference & Expo in San Diego, I find myself inspired. I was able to connect with people who I’ve only known online, and it was like seeing old friends. While there, I captured many #Y4YPN videos buy online no prescription pharmacy that are in the process of being edited now. It …
Social Media: Are You Doing it Wrong?
By Scott Newman online pharmacy buy seroquel online no prescription pharmacy online pharmacy purchase zovirax online no prescription You’re on Facebook and Twitter four hours a day and you’re telling me you haven’t closed a lot of business lately? Of course not! Social media is just a tool in your arsenal — and when used effectively and efficiently it can …
What is Your Referability?
By Jason O’Neil Referrals, referrals, referrals. We all get them and we all want more. We want referrals from our lenders, our title reps, our barbers, our past clients, and we especially want them from other agents. We love referrals because they are easy leads. They are not faceless Internet leads or the sometimes abrupt sign calls; they are real …
A Real Inspiration
By Hilary Hale Brown I had the pleasure of spending most of a recent afternoon with Avis Wukasch. For those of you unfamiliar with this vivacious woman, Texas Real Estate Commissioner, and 2012 Texas REALTOR® of the Year, I highly recommend spending a few moments to read her bio online. She reminds us all of what we can accomplish in …
What I Learned at Leadership
By Lynn Minnick I was lucky enough to have been picked to participate in NAR’s Leadership 200 and 300 classes this week at my association. I say lucky enough because we’re the largest association in our state and there were only 35 seats open. Last summer I was involved in our two-day strategic planning session, which was a first for …
Shaking Hands and Kissing Babies
By Jared James online pharmacy buy zoloft no insurance with best prices today in the USA Jared James is the CEO and founder of Jared James Enterprises (JJE) and travels around North America speaking to and coaching REALTORS®. Connect with Jared at, on, or follow him on Twitter @jaredjamestoday.
My First NAR Conference Review
By Brooke Wolford I arrived home yesterday from the REALTORS® Conference & Expo in Anaheim, Calif. I felt invigorated and yet somewhat overwhelmed. I had taken so much in while at the conference and my REALTOR® A.D.D. kicked right in. All the information I received while at the conference was amazing and I really didn’t know where to begin implementing …
Why Do I Need YPN?
By Anand Patel As a member of the newly-formed and energized Tampa YPN network in Tampa, Fla., I find myself, along with our other committee members, answering this question when sharing the purpose of YPN with REALTORS® of all ages. Why do I need YPN? If you ask any three YPN members, you’ll get three different answers. I discovered this …