Two business people looking at computer, taking notes.

‘Automa-zation’ Tools to ‘Set It and Forget It’ in 2022

Blog Contributor Advertising & Prospecting, consumers, Sales & Marketing 1 Comment

By Lee Davenport “It’s been a while” are words we should never hear or say to prospects. These words indicate that our follow-up system has a missing link (or may even be non-existent). However, if those simple yet alarming words seem to be on repeat for you, then I have some tools that may come in handy because real estate …

7 Tips for Promoting Real Estate in 2019

Blog Contributor Business Challenges, Sales Tips & Techniques 65 Comments

By Anita Clark Real estate is a competitive industry, which means that finding some way to set yourself apart from your fellow agents can occasionally feel like a lost cause. But you don’t need to completely reinvent the wheel. Often, effective real estate promotion is just a matter of putting a unique spin on a tried-and-true technique. Just a small …

Questions to Ask When You Want to Generate More Business

Blog Contributor Business Challenges, Sales Tips & Techniques 2 Comments

By Lee Davenport What are you learning that’s new? If you are stuck in the loop of your daily grind, then consider the beginning of the year as a perfect time to shake up the doldrums with something that will grow your business. But how do you know what you don’t know? Reflect on these questions to help: Lead Generation …

Quiz: Is Your Follow-Up Broken?

Blog Contributor consumers, Working with Clients Leave a Comment

By Lee Davenport Have you ever heard the saying, “If it’s not broke, don’t fix it”? Yet, have you noticed that you don’t know what you don’t know? Perhaps a method or strategy (or lack there of) is broken, yet because we don’t know it, we leave things as they are. Using the poll option in Instagram Stories (which is …

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Stop Wasting Time With the Wrong Leads

Blog Contributor Buyers, Consumer, Sales & Marketing, Working with Clients 2 Comments

By Lee Davenport One hundred and seventy-five houses. He showed 175 houses to only find out that the would-be buyer was not in a position to purchase for another year. My, my, my! I hope you have never shown that many houses to a looky-loo—someone who is not prepared to buy for one to five years out, or longer. But …

Resolve to Stop Losing Listings

Blog Contributor Consumer, Sales & Marketing, Sellers Leave a Comment

By Lee Davenport Listing Leader — Is this title on your New Year’s resolution list? How about on your business plan for this year? I’m here to tell you, that you can make it happen. Here are four considerations to help, but only if you’re willing to subscribe to the notion of “out with the old, in with the new.” …

A Step-by-Step Guide: Convert Internet Leads to Sales

Blog Contributor Consumer, Customer Service, Outreach, Sales & Marketing, Technology & Social Media, Working with Clients 2 Comments

By Brandon Doyle In this day and age, it’s likely that a significant contingent of your leads originate online. Since many apps and websites cut out the need to pick up the phone or initiate conversation face-to-face, it’s increasingly common for first-time home buyers and veteran home owners alike to explore their real estate options online. With that in mind, …

A Follow Up Funnel That Will Increase Conversion Rates

Blog Contributor Consumer, Establishing Your Business Leave a Comment

By Alexis Craig What if I told you that you could generate $100,000 extra in gross commission income with only a minimal investment? You probably think I’m full of it, especially if you’re not even making over $100,00 right now. But that’s because most people think the only way to increase their income is by generating more leads. While lead …

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A Powerful Lesson in Follow-Up

Blog Contributor Business Challenges, Sales & Marketing, Working with Clients 4 Comments

By Alex Milshteyn It seems that every year I learn the lesson of how important it is to follow-up. I recently received a referral from a past client. My past client gave me a glowing review, hence their friends called me. I met with the lovely couple to talk about the sale of their home. I met with them twice, …

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Why I Love Being on the Buyer’s Side in a Short Sale

Blog Contributor Business Challenges, Buyers, Sales & Marketing, Short Sales & Foreclosures 8 Comments

By TG Gallaudet Wait…I’m totally lying. Is there anything more painful? 🙂 It’s no mystery that short sales can be really tough because of all the variables involved: * Unclear timelines from the bank. * Undisclosed liens. * Back HOA expenses the bank won’t pay. * Non-straightforward buyer. * Inexperienced listing agent. * Cash contributions (increasingly more and more). * …