Wooden cube block print screen person icon which link connection network for organisation structure social network and teamwork concept.

How to Effectively Use a Customer Management System

Alex Capozzolo Customer Service, Establishing Your Business, Helpful Tools 3 Comments

By: Alex Capozzolo As a real estate agent, juggling clients’ details, listings and appointments is a full-time job. How can real estate agents make their own lives easier? One answer is to implement a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system into your business. It is likely that your brokerage offers access to a CRM, and if that’s the case, you should …

Questions to Ask When You Want to Generate More Business

Blog Contributor Business Challenges, Sales Tips & Techniques 2 Comments

By Lee Davenport What are you learning that’s new? If you are stuck in the loop of your daily grind, then consider the beginning of the year as a perfect time to shake up the doldrums with something that will grow your business. But how do you know what you don’t know? Reflect on these questions to help: Lead Generation …

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2014 Technology Resolutions

Blog Contributor Professional Development, Technology & Social Media 6 Comments

By Scott Newman Technology is changing our lives – and our industry – on a daily basis. And as they say, you’re either with the times or behind them. With that in mind, I wanted to roll out three New Year’s resolutions I’m asking my agents to adopt when it comes to technology in 2014 and I’d love to see …

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Lead Consolidation: Two Forgotten Words in Online Real Estate Marketing

Blog Contributor Helpful Tools, Marketing, Professional Development, Technology & Social Media 2 Comments

By Adam Ailion If you are anything like me, you are tired of hearing about the latest and greatest app you have to learn how to use, or the next best service to buy. My mind is going through “technology overload,”  making it difficult to stay current — and many times a good idea or service may go unnoticed. Let …