By Heather Haase As we embark on a new decade, the National Association of REALTORS® Young Professionals Network is turning 13. This is a big year for the YPN Advisory Board. We recognize the legacy that has been left for us as we continue to grow and strengthen our national presence. Growth directly relates to the mindset of doing better—better …
How to Market a YPN Event
By Matt Clements If you’ve recently relaunched your YPN, or you’ve seen sluggish attendance, you may be in need of a new marketing plan for your group’s events. The key is to start early, at least eight to 12 weeks out. Then you need to take a multi-placement marketing approach: videos on your association’s website, videos on your local and …
How to Ask for Money for Your YPN
By Matt Clements Your number one source of funding and the best investor in your Young Professionals Network is your local association. The CEO/AE should be your partner for your YPN. Think about it. The association needs new leaders. Your group provides those people. The value of investment should be about $2,000 for smaller associations, $5,000 for medium boards, and …
Questions to Ask When You Want to Generate More Business
By Lee Davenport What are you learning that’s new? If you are stuck in the loop of your daily grind, then consider the beginning of the year as a perfect time to shake up the doldrums with something that will grow your business. But how do you know what you don’t know? Reflect on these questions to help: Lead Generation …
Plan Your 2019 Business in 5 Easy Steps
By Jef Conn The end of 2018 is drawing near, so if you haven’t yet written your business plan for 2019, now is the time. Don’t worry if you’re reading this after January 1, you can start today and plan the rest of your year. Let’s keep it simple and plan your 2019 business in five easy steps. Step 1: …
How Volunteer Work Benefits Our Business
online pharmacy paxil for sale no prescription By Christina Pappas Growing up in a Miami real estate family, I always envisioned working with my father and grandfather. But before I jumped into the industry, I wanted to give my other interest a try: hotels. After graduating from Cornell University, I moved to Los Angeles to launch a career in the …
4 Steps to Hiring Out Your Sales Process
By Alexis Craig The true test of whether or not you own a real business is if you can go on vacation to a place like Fiji—without your cell phone—for two weeks and continue to see your income grow. If you need to be working everyday in order for your business to grow, then you’re in a bottleneck. You don’t …
#Y4YPN From Fort Collins, Colo.
The #Y4YPN campaign is a video series celebrating what makes YPN valuable to its members. Learn more. buy online no prescription pharmacy By Leanne Goff Brandon Myers is the latest YPNer to take the #Y4YPN challenge. During my interview with Brandon, he talked about how he became a REALTOR®, discussed his favorite local YPN events, and shared some …
Wine and Real Estate
By Erika Villegas I recently moved to a new neighborhood in Chicago where I had only sold a few homes. I didn’t know many people there, but more importantly, I didn’t know enough women. From my experience in real estate, women are often the ones that make important decisions like when and where to purchase a home. I wanted to …
Why You Need a Mentor
By Jay O’Brien We’ve all received the calls, opened the letters, and deflected the in-person pitches. Real estate is perhaps one of the only industries that attains its workforce through blind recruiting rather than interviewing. It’s quite simply a numbers game for many brokerages, and the strategy becomes less about value creation for agents and more about the bait. How …
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