YPN Event Series: Billings YPN Creates Online Space to Learn and Collaborate

Nicole Slaughter Graham YPN Events Leave a Comment

By: Nicole Slaughter Graham About 2.5 years ago, Billie Parrott attended YPN Advance in Chicago and came home buzzing. The two-day, invite-only conference hosted by NAR in Chicago is designed to foster essential conversations and She’d learned so much and made so many connections, and she felt like the two-day event just wasn’t long enough. “People wanted to talk more, …

A couple talking to a real estate agent.

Embrace an Educational Mindset and Watch Your Business Soar

Khalid N. Bryan Working with Clients Leave a Comment

By: Khalid N. Bryan In the fast-paced and competitive world of real estate, standing out and building strong relationships with clients is essential for success. While many real estate professionals focus solely on transactions, incorporating a mentorship-style approach can provide a significant advantage. Embracing an educational mindset can elevate your real estate career and benefit your overall business in myriad …

Mental health medical treatment.

Manage Your Mental Health and Increase Productivity at the Same Time

Blog Contributor Work/Life Balance 1 Comment

Taking care of your mental health is one of the top ways to ensure productivity at work. Mental health influences one’s ability to maintain productivity. According to Psychology Today, “poor mental health, manifesting most often as depression, anxiety or burnout, can severely decrease motivation and production while increasing stress.” The term mental health might feel a bit like a buzzword …

young woman reading a small book

23 Books to Read in 2023 to Improve Your Real Estate Business

Blog Contributor Professional Development 2 Comments

By: Brandon Doyle According to a recent survey, the average person reads about 12 books annually. As a real estate agent, reading is essential to staying up-to-date with industry trends and honing your skills. Here are the top 23 books that every real estate agent should consider reading in 2023: Ninja Selling: Subtle Skills. Big Results. By Larry Kendall What …

A professional black woman consulting a male/female couple while sitting at a table

Preparing Clients for Appraisal Gaps

Neil Goradia communication, Customer Service, Financing & Credit, Working with Clients 15 Comments

By Neil Goradia House prices are skyrocketing! (YES, we already know that—old news.) Winning a bid can be tough and you need the “secret sauce,” right? (We’ve heard that before, too.) But have you put thought into how to address appraisal gaps for your clients? Appraisal Gaps Are on the Rise I’m seeing an increasing number of houses fall out …

How We Created Our Biggest YPN Event of the Year

Blog Contributor Classes & Education, YPN Events Leave a Comment

By Maria Kauffman We are blessed with a great YPN committee at the Greater Regional Alliance of REALTORS® in Grand Rapids, Mich., which is the result of a supportive association and board that invests in leadership opportunities for the newer and growing association members. Our local YPN committee was founded more than 10 years ago, and since then we have …

5 Colorful Fall Events for Your Local YPN

Blog Contributor Classes & Education, YPN Events Leave a Comment

By Erica Christoffer Real estate has big fall energy as agents experience slight relief from the red-hot summer months. More YPNers around the country are looking for events and educational opportunities to continue their business momentum while making new industry connections. Here are five ideas for an eye-catching autumn affair. 1. Mix it up with a throwback soiree. Kick it …

4 Takeaways From YPN Advance

Blog Contributor Political Action & Involvement, Working with Clients, YPN Events 2 Comments

By Maria Kauffman Last month, I had the opportunity to represent the Greater Regional Alliance of REALTORS® (Grand Rapids, Mich.) at YPN Advance as part of the National Association of REALTORS® Leadership Summit in Chicago. At this event, local YPN committee chairs, vice-chairs, and association liaisons come together from across the country to discuss real estate and market trends, YPN …

Unfair Housing and the Part Left Out of Nursery Rhymes

Blog Contributor Classes & Education, Code of Ethics, Ethics & Policy, Fair Housing 2 Comments

By Lee Davenport A recent report by the National Fair Housing Alliance shows there were more than 28,000 fair housing complaints filed just last year. I repeat, there were TENS of THOUSANDS of fair housing complaints in the last year alone! Those numbers indicate that despite fair housing being the law of the land, we have a long way to …

Woman uses tablet to view home listing

3 Reasons to Get Your Pricing Strategy Advisor Certification

Blog Contributor Classes & Education, Professional Development 10 Comments

By Alex Craig I recently became certified as a Pricing Strategy Advisor through the National Association of REALTORS®; something I’ve been meaning to do for nearly a year. Since I needed a few more continuing education credits, I decided to knock out two birds with one stone. If you’re not familiar with this certification, no problem. The PSA is a …