What it Means to be an Ethical Real Estate Agent

Lee Davenport, Ph.D Code of Ethics, ethics, Ethics & Policy, Fair Housing 3 Comments

By Lee Davenport, PhD Should the public trust the real estate industry? As quiet as it’s kept, salespeople of any industry can get the nickname of “sleazy” or  “swindler” because that is not just the name of a Netflix show (for those of you that have seen the Tinder Swindler). For some of us, just hearing the words “Used Car …

Unfair Housing and the Part Left Out of Nursery Rhymes

Blog Contributor Classes & Education, Code of Ethics, Ethics & Policy, Fair Housing 2 Comments

By Lee Davenport A recent report by the National Fair Housing Alliance shows there were more than 28,000 fair housing complaints filed just last year. I repeat, there were TENS of THOUSANDS of fair housing complaints in the last year alone! Those numbers indicate that despite fair housing being the law of the land, we have a long way to …

A Tool for Handling Multiple Offers in a Hot Seller’s Market

Blog Contributor Code of Ethics, Ethics & Policy, Fair Housing 2 Comments

By Lee Davenport According to a recent REALTOR® Magazine article, “buyer and seller agents need to handle multiple-offer situations carefully to avoid accusations of negligence or preferential treatment that violates federal, state, or local fair housing laws or ordinances.” Un-fair housing doesn’t just hurt home buyers and sellers, it hurts all of us.⁣⁣ If you as a real estate professional …

Case Study: How Real Estate Pros Help Buyers and Sellers Avoid Costly Mistakes

Blog Contributor Being a REALTOR®, Buyers, Code of Ethics, Ethics & Policy, Fraud, Negligence, & Liability, Hazard & Disclosures, Sellers 13 Comments

By Neil Goradia “OMG! My agent just made $7,000 and all they did was list my property!” Does this sound familiar? How often have you felt the need to defend your commission as a real estate agent? This article is not to beat up on for sale by owners. In fact, there are plenty of times that it works great. …

It’s Time to Focus on Goal Achieving

Blog Contributor Being a REALTOR®, Community, Ethics & Policy, Promoting Home Ownership Leave a Comment

By John Blom I’ve taught a few classes about business planning, and always I like to start with the quote by Yogi Berra: “If you don’t know where you’re going, you might wind up someplace else.” Usually, less than half the room gets the joke, but the idea conveyed should be at the foundation for every organization and at the …