A Tool for Handling Multiple Offers in a Hot Seller’s Market

Blog Contributor Code of Ethics, Ethics & Policy, Fair Housing 2 Comments

By Lee Davenport According to a recent REALTOR® Magazine article, “buyer and seller agents need to handle multiple-offer situations carefully to avoid accusations of negligence or preferential treatment that violates federal, state, or local fair housing laws or ordinances.” Un-fair housing doesn’t just hurt home buyers and sellers, it hurts all of us.⁣⁣ If you as a real estate professional …

Illistration of three people bidding on a house

3 Reasons for Extreme Buyer Demand

Blog Contributor Buyers, Residential Real Estate, Sales & Marketing, Sellers 3 Comments

By Hazel Emlen One of the hottest topics nationwide right now is real estate. Some of the big questions people are asking out there are: How is our real estate market doing? Is it a good time to sell? To buy? How are the interest rates? If you were to ask any real estate professional in any part of the …

Heads or Tails? Making Sense of a Shifting Market

Blog Contributor Business Challenges, Customer Service 1 Comment

By Samantha Jones It’s no secret most of our markets rival the uncertainty of a roller coaster ride at an amusement park these days. Buyers expect to pay less; sellers don’t want to drop their prices. Pristine homes that should seemingly sell in hours, sit on the market stalled. Deals falling apart multiple times for the same client. You feel …

How to Win the Deal in a Seller’s Market

Blog Contributor Buyers, Customer Service, Sales & Marketing Leave a Comment

By Drew Heasley Most markets are facing inventory shortages this time of year. There are simply too many buyers and not enough homes for sale. This requires buyer’s agents to get creative and aggressive in order to help their clients get the home they want. There are a lot of ways to get this done while retaining your professionalism. The …

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Have Prices Really Hit Bottom?

Blog Contributor Being a REALTOR®, Business Challenges, Sales & Marketing 9 Comments

By Brooke Wolford online pharmacy purchase proscar no prescription with best prices today in the USA Most have us have been hearing lately that prices have hit bottom.  If you are like me, you are almost scared to say it. I say it quietly, so if I am wrong, maybe nobody will hear me. Many of us have been nervous …