A businesswoman is attentively writing in a notebook, with a smartphone in hand, at her modern office desk, embodying productivity and organization.

Use Focus and Flexibility to Navigate Change

Matt Clements Advertising & Prospecting, Working with Clients 1 Comment

By: Matt Clements Imagine you woke up on a remote tropical desert island. No one is around. No restaurants. No Starbucks. No WiFi. Everything completely changed. In an instant. But, here’s the thing: you’re still somewhere on planet Earth. It’s beautiful and you know how to operate here. Yes, your immediate future is vastly different, but you can survive. You …

Heads or Tails? Making Sense of a Shifting Market

Blog Contributor Business Challenges, Customer Service 1 Comment

By Samantha Jones It’s no secret most of our markets rival the uncertainty of a roller coaster ride at an amusement park these days. Buyers expect to pay less; sellers don’t want to drop their prices. Pristine homes that should seemingly sell in hours, sit on the market stalled. Deals falling apart multiple times for the same client. You feel …