Modern Office: Portrait of Beautiful Authentic Specialist with Short Pink Hair Standing, Holding Laptop Computer, Looking at Camera, Smiling Charmingly. Working on Design

Webster’s Word of the Year Applies Directly to Your Business

Jennifer Weinberg Establishing Your Business, ethics, Working with Clients Leave a Comment

By: Jennifer Weinberg Merriam-Webster recently announced their word of the year for 2023: AUTHENTIC According to the long-trusted dictionary resource, authentic has two definitions: 1. Not false or imitation; real, actual. 2. True to one’s own personality, spirit, or character. Authenticity is a great word to reflect on as we move into the last couple of weeks of the year, …

What it Means to be an Ethical Real Estate Agent

Lee Davenport, Ph.D Code of Ethics, ethics, Ethics & Policy, Fair Housing 3 Comments

By Lee Davenport, PhD Should the public trust the real estate industry? As quiet as it’s kept, salespeople of any industry can get the nickname of “sleazy” or  “swindler” because that is not just the name of a Netflix show (for those of you that have seen the Tinder Swindler). For some of us, just hearing the words “Used Car …

Unfair Housing and the Part Left Out of Nursery Rhymes

Blog Contributor Classes & Education, Code of Ethics, Ethics & Policy, Fair Housing 2 Comments

By Lee Davenport A recent report by the National Fair Housing Alliance shows there were more than 28,000 fair housing complaints filed just last year. I repeat, there were TENS of THOUSANDS of fair housing complaints in the last year alone! Those numbers indicate that despite fair housing being the law of the land, we have a long way to …

A Tool for Handling Multiple Offers in a Hot Seller’s Market

Blog Contributor Code of Ethics, Ethics & Policy, Fair Housing 2 Comments

By Lee Davenport According to a recent REALTOR® Magazine article, “buyer and seller agents need to handle multiple-offer situations carefully to avoid accusations of negligence or preferential treatment that violates federal, state, or local fair housing laws or ordinances.” Un-fair housing doesn’t just hurt home buyers and sellers, it hurts all of us.⁣⁣ If you as a real estate professional …

Stop Building Your Own Real Estate Brand—You’re Wasting Your Time and Money

Blog Contributor Uncategorized 21 Comments

By Alex Craig What if everything you have been led to believe about building a real estate brand is wrong? At least wrong for you. I cringe inside every time I hear somebody suggest that real estate branding can be a magic pill that will separate you from the thousands of other agents in your market and help you get …

Are You Ready to Start 2021 as a J.E.D.I. Defender?

Blog Contributor ethics, Fair Housing 6 Comments

By Lee Davenport If 2020 has inspired you to promote fair housing for all, but you don’t know where to begin, then join the J.E.D.I. (Justice + Equity + Diversity + Inclusion) Defender Challenge to kickstart 2021. Learn more about being a fair housing J.E.D.I. Defender in my post, “Take the 4-Week J.E.D.I. Challenge to Promote the American Dream of …

Pocket Listings: An Ethical Conundrum

Blog Contributor Business Challenges, Code of Ethics, ethics 3 Comments

By Dale Swanton You’ve no doubt heard the term “exclusive” or “pocket listing,” referring to a listing that is not promoted on the MLS but is marketed to the listing agent’s brokerage only or to a select group of “in-the-know” agents. Although not illegal or even unethical in and of itself, the practice is rather controversial as it often puts …

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Mess-Free Social Media: Don’t Get Blocked

Blog Contributor Outreach, Sales & Marketing, Social Media, Technology & Social Media Leave a Comment

By Lee Davenport I’ve seen it before: accounts are blocked, business drys up, and worse yet, a job is lost, fines are imposed, or licenses are revoked—all from a social media post. That’s a mess…a hot mess. It’s no secret that social media can grow your business—or destroy it. Keep social media from messing up your business so that orange …

Why I Said No to $20,000 in Commissions

Blog Contributor Being a REALTOR®, Commitment to Excellence, Personal Fulfillment, Rookies, Sales & Marketing, Working with Clients Leave a Comment

By Nico Hohman It is easier to turn someone down, than to let them down. This is the phrase I used to happily say no to $20,000 in real estate commissions. One of the advantages of working as a real estate agent is that you can control which projects you choose to work on. If you want to focus on …

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A Crisis of Confidence

Blog Contributor Personal Fulfillment, Professional Development, Sales & Marketing Leave a Comment

By Jason O’Neil I believe that we as a country, a world, and a species are suffering a crisis of confidence. I know, that’s a bold statement. But the magnitude in which our world has changed over the past 25 years is nothing short of overwhelming. Confidence used to be something that was a part of our fiber, woven into …