The kids are eager to help with all the moving

Help Clients Avoid Moving Scams

Blog Contributor Buyers, consumers, Sellers, Working with Clients 5 Comments

By Anita Clark Moving scams are real and if you or your clients have ever been victimized, you know how difficult the frustration and struggle is to get your property. While real estate agents are typically not involved in the moving aspect of home relocation, they can provide advice or even provide a list of potential sources to make the …

Real Estate Virtual Assistants

8 Reasons to Hire a Virtual Assistant for Real Estate Tasks

Blog Contributor Business Challenges, Establishing Your Business, Work/Life Balance 45 Comments

By Antia Clark Save your time and get a life! Stop wasting your time on tasks that can be taken care of by a virtual assistant. When you spend your time doing $20 per hour tasks, it limits your ability to increase your sales volume and annual income. Learn how to delegate certain tasks so you can focus on the …

7 Tips for Promoting Real Estate in 2019

Blog Contributor Business Challenges, Sales Tips & Techniques 65 Comments

By Anita Clark Real estate is a competitive industry, which means that finding some way to set yourself apart from your fellow agents can occasionally feel like a lost cause. But you don’t need to completely reinvent the wheel. Often, effective real estate promotion is just a matter of putting a unique spin on a tried-and-true technique. Just a small …

GDPR and What It Means to You

Blog Contributor Risk Management Leave a Comment

By Anita Clark General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is the talk of the internet. Attorneys in the European Union and the United States are being bombarded with questions about the GDPR. Companies and website owners are scrambling as the deadline is fast approaching to have the regulation in effect, which includes your websites and all your systems, such as DocuSign …

Key Tips to Give Your Website Curb Appeal

Blog Contributor Consumer, Technology & Social Media, website Leave a Comment

By Anita Clark There are few things real estate agents understand better than curb appeal. It is one of the major factors motivating people to go into a house predisposed to buy. Curb appeal is one of the top factors that can shield a property from low-ball offers, and it’s one of the factors that help close the deal. As …

How to Promote Your Real Estate Blog

Blog Contributor Establishing Your Business, Technology & Social Media 6 Comments

By Anita Clark Finding it difficult to make an impact with your real estate blog? In this industry, half the battle is making sure that your traffic is actually relevant. Use these guidelines below to do exactly that, then take a look at this extended guide to creating and promoting real estate content. The last thing you want your blog …

6 Outsourcing Tips For Effective Hiring

Blog Contributor Business Challenges, REALTOR® Finances 1 Comment

By Anita Clark Outsourcing in business is one of the most creative means of achieving your aims at a lower expense. In business or in any venture, great outsourcing tips helps in saving money and lessening the frustration of not having the necessary infrastructure to meet your needs. That is certainly true for professionals in all aspects of the real …

Finding Your Real Estate Niche

Blog Contributor [Demographic-based grouping], Community, Establishing Your Business, Fair Housing, Sales & Marketing, Working with Clients 5 Comments

By Anita Clark It can be difficult for both new agents and seasoned professionals to maintain a year-round stream of prospects from our online marketing efforts. This is especially true if we do not focus on a specific niche or market segment. It is easy to get sidetracked by the latest shiny real estate thing. It can also be hard …

Giving Prospects Information They Can Use

Blog Contributor communication, Consumer, Sales & Marketing, Technology & Social Media, Working with Clients 1 Comment

By Anita Clark People visit your website for one of two reasons: 1. They might be looking for an agent. If that is the case, they are already half sold. As long as your website looks professional, shows you as credible, and makes it easy to contact you, you have a new client. 2. They might be coming to your …

How to Use Co-Promote in Your Real Estate Marketing

Blog Contributor communication, Sales & Marketing, Technology & Social Media 4 Comments

By Anita Clark Building a website, posting content, then hoping consumers find you online is a bit like putting a sign in a yard, performing no marketing, and hoping a bunch of potential buyers stop by or call for a preview. Getting your content found online by real estate consumers takes work. If you have created a masterpiece you know …