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The ‘Q’ About QR Codes

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Toby Boyce

Toby Boyce

By Toby Boyce

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Realtor.net is all a buzz over how amazing QR codes

are and how it will be a game changer in real estate.

Really? A game changer? That’s a stretch.

Is it part of the entire Technology 2.0 — smartphones, instant access and response, among the requirements — game changer? Of course. But it is a small piece, maybe the size of a … Well … QR code.

An agent told me, “I’m putting the QR code on my signs so people can find me.” Okay, let me get this straight, you’ve got a sign with (I assume) name, brokerage, phone number, and web address on it. But that new buyer is going to get that QR code. Sure, I’ll buy that.

Okay, so you put the QR code on your listings, great. I won’t call your 800 number or your text for more information hotline — but I’m going to get out my car, climb through the snow to take a picture of this alien-looking code on your sign. Sure, I’ll buy that.

Don’t get me wrong, QR codes could be a game changer in the logistics industry.

However, until we start shipping houses, QR codes will be just be a fun toy for those with more time than deals on their hands to enjoy.

Toby Boyce, MBA, is a real estate practitioner with Keller Williams Consultants Realty in Westerville, Ohio. Visit his Web site: www.delawareohrealestate.com.

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Comments 8

  1. This is so true. QR codes are cool and all but they don’t always work for everything. Besides, I have yet to see a QR code anywhere in my hood. I cant imagine walking thru the huge snow drifts to quickly take a shot of a QR code to get info…although it might make me look cool…

  2. The hype is overblown, but they are useful. For me: Youtube channel home vtours to QR to print collateral. 5 mins per listing (with a demographic fit) and that’s it. My scan-throughs are through the roof, and everywhere I turn around here in my (nonRealtor) market, they’re being used.

  3. While I might agree that the QR Code has been given more focus than it may deserve, I am not in agreement with your dismissive opinion of it’s value.
    While we hear much talk on the topic of being mobile, the QR Code seems to fit in with this approach to marketing.
    I can create a code with most any information I want the consumer to have and it can be found and read in a very mobile way. Through their cell!
    My marketing, contact information, videos, and website can be downloaded and viewed anywhere I place a QR Code. The client doesn’t need a pen or a piece of paper. And the information they scan remains in their cell until they decide to remove it.
    I guess it’s all in the way you put the new tools and technology available to use!

  4. Toby,

    I’ve struggled with QR codes being the ‘next big thing’ also. One application that I think might work well (I just started this, so the jury’s still out) is on house flyers that I post in front of my liistings. The QR code pulls up a virtual tour of the house’s interior. Since they are standing in front of the home, this allows them to ‘see’ the inside.

    If you find another good use, please post it.


  5. Thank you for saying it. I am all for new technology and marketing through technology and QR Codes have not gotten me excited as I do not use them.

    I would prefer to give someone an easy to remember and easy to type Website URL from my sign.

  6. Pingback: Tweets that mention The ‘Q’ About QR Codes : YPN Lounge -- Topsy.com

  7. I consider myself pretty technologically savvy but I had not ever thought of using QR Codes in my real estate marketing. Your article gave some really useful ways to incorporate them into our marketing. Placing one on the “for sale” sign for a house is a great idea, it doesn’t cost anything extra, so why not?

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