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10 Must-Have Tech Gifts for Road Warriors

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Shannon Williams King

By Shannon Williams King

Looking for affordable, unique gifts for your loved ones or yourself? Here are five must-have tech gadgets all road warriors need, and a few more gift ideas I thought sounded cool! What’s on your list this year?

1.) Kindle Fire – At $199 who can’t resist finding out what all the fuss is about?  I love Amazon, so I think I’ll like it. They say it’s the iPad2′s closest competition… I want to find out! Is this on your list?

2.) Mophie Juice Pack

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– True road warriors are always on the phone.  Don’t find yourself without battery power for the ever so important phone call.  These small cases double your phones’ battery life.  Only $79 online!

3.) Motorola t505 – A must have if your car doesn’t come equipped with built-in Bluetooth.  You will love the way this little device integrates with your car’s radio.  Buy it online at Amazon for the best deals – about $60.

4.) Drivesafe.ly App – You can now text and drive safely!  This is the perfect FREE gift to “give” your friends, clients and kids.  Who knows, you might even save a life.

5.) Wide Angle Lens Kit

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– For your iPhone or video camera – all of us who shoot photos with our smartphones you can now use this wide angle attachment to get the best photos possible.  $50 on HDhat.com

And now for some other fun ideas!!!

6.) Square up – Think PayPal for your smartphone.  It’s perfect if you sell products, have a fundraiser, or a garage sale.  Or someone just owes you money.  You can now accept credit cards for ANYTHING with just your phone!  And it’s FREE… what a great gift for those you know who are in any service industry.

7.) The Flip – OK, so they are going out of business —  but I just LOVE this camera.  So while supplies last you can still manage to get a 1-hour model for $80!

8.) Roku – Looking for a way to save $$$ on your cable bill?  Check out this little black box that streams Hulu, On Demand Movies, Netflix and so much more.  They start at $50.

9.) 3M Pocket Projector – OK, so I have to admit, I have no idea who would want to spend $250-$400 on one of these, but I just think they are really cool.  Who knows? You might know that person looking for one!

10.) Video Light Kit – Perfect for those budding video freaks out there.  This is a way-cool add on, and it makes a huge difference in your production quality. It’s only $70.  Gotta love HDHat.com

Bonus 11.) Anything Apple – You really can’t go wrong here.  But the point of this post was affordable. While I believe Apple is well worth the investment, it’s not exactly the cheapest on the block.

Here are a few other lists to check out as well!

Cnet 20 Tech Gifts under $100

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Mashable 16 Quirky Gifts

PCWorld Top Tech Gifts

Happy Shopping!!!  Keep us posted on what you decide is the best tech gift out there!

Shannon Williams King is a founding member and past chair of NAR’s Young Professionals Network. She was in REALTOR® Magazine’s “30 Under 30” class of 2005, has appeared on HGTV, and authored the book, Real Estate Road Warrior: 101 Technology Tools for Business on the Go. Connect with Shannon at www.ShannonWKing.com or @shannonwking.

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Comments 11

  1. What a great list!! I just need to find a way to slip it to my family – maybe posting it on the fridge will work. 😉

  2. Pingback: 10 Must Have Tech Gifts for Road Warriors « Bold Real Estate Group

  3. Hi Shannon,
    We are a Company that is very concerned about all the crime out there, especially for a Broker or Agent showing homes. Please go to the website, the one put up there or http://www.thecenterforagentsafety.com and you will be able to see what we have to offer to keep Agents and Brokers safe! This devise has been 4 years in the making and is now the only personal safety devise of its kind all over the world!!! This is a low cost one touch app on your cell phone that is linked to the Broker, anyone you want in your network and a 24/7 monitoring security company. We have made this to where with one touch everyone in your network is alerted when you are under duress and you don’t have to say a word or you can talk to mulitple people in your network at the same time, you also have a GPS that gives your exact location at ALL times even if your phone is shut off! If you are under duress and touch the button to the brokerage, an alarm will sound and they will have exact location that you are come on on the computer screen. This is truly amazing and will give agents a piece of mind when showing homes. Please look over the websites and you can see that we have developed a button just for the broker and we can put any company logo on that button! Our goal is to go National and have every Realestate Company implementing this for their agents. We are now getting ready to close the deal with Georgia Association of Realtors partner with them. We will be doing a world wide press release when this happens. We would love have the endorsement of NAR. Please review the website and you will see how fascinating this truly is!!! Please email me with right person that I would need to speak with about this or feel free to call me Deborah Collier, Account Executive for The Center for Agent Safety at 678-887-3519. Thank you so much and I really believe that this devise will help save lives! I hope to hear from you soon!

  4. Hi, Thank you for this valuable article! Does the Motorola 505 play my iphone 4 podcast and if so, will it play them loud enough to where the audio quality is good enough? Thank you so much.

  5. Pingback: 10 must have mobile tech gifts for real estate - Kentucky Association of Realtors : Kentucky Association of Realtors

  6. Pingback: 10 Must Have Tech Gifts for Road Warriors | Fairbanks Places

  7. A couple of questions I have for you? How do you download graphs and charts to my blackberry? Is there a company that does blogging only? My virtual secretary in California won’t do it any more and I’ve networked and it seems like I can’t find a person to help me… By the Way, smart idea about the 10 gifts. Very helpful.
    Prudential Rubloff

  8. Buyer Beware on the Drivesafe.ly App. The reviews in the Apple store are coming in that it’s buggy, temperamental, and harvests your contacts so that it can spam the heck out of them. I don’t like that I have to give them my gmail login and password. Kinda makes me leery.

    Who like the wide angle kit?? Anyone use it yet? How well does it work? Sounds like the death knells for the ol’ point and shoot are ringing.

    How well does Roku work on Wifi?? Netflix and Vudu are temperamental and don’t stream that well on our new Samsung 3D tv. Also Vudu already gives you access to all the streaming channels. For a fee you can watch an entire season of shows. 🙂

    @Deborah Collier. I will share this with the TAR tech chair and some HAR board members tomorrow. If large enough associations adopt it, I think it will potentially save lives. Guess we have to get used to big brother watching us anyway right?

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