Young brown blogger recording content for social media using his smartphone and a tripod.

A Guide to Posting on Social Media: What to Post on Your Business Page

Khalid N. Bryan Marketing, Social Media 1 Comment

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By: Khalid Bryan

You’ve got social media pages set up for your real estate business. You’ve come up with a plan: you know how many days per week you want to post and what kind of content—videos, educational pieces, photos, listings, etc., —you want to post. Great! You’re off to a solid start. But now you have to figure out what to fill those content slots with. What kind of content do you post? What subject matter do you cover? How do you make your page look professional but still convey to your audience that you’re a real, relatable person?

Post It All

My guidance is that you post everything that might be remotely applicable to your business. Remember that as a real estate agent, you’re an ambassador for your community. From local news and updates to the flat tire you just got that canceled your day of showings—go ahead and post it all. There’s nothing people enjoy more than reality. What may be boring to you can be hysterical or amazing to another. You’ll soon realize that your life has a story line going on, and that people are interested in following along.

For example, I wanted to break into vacant land sales. I started posting content about it at the very beginning of my journey into the niche. I made a video about finding and taking my first class on the topic. Then I posted almost daily about my journey. From finding a parcel to getting the deal under contract. The story line evolved, and my audience watched me do my due diligence before closing my first vacant land deal. My lesson in this example is don’t hold back when it comes to posting, so long as you aren’t violating any laws or ethical standards. This is about openness and vulnerability.

Don’t Stress

It’s also important to not stress over posting every day. You truly don’t have to post every day, but you do want to be consistent. Remember that social media marketing is really split into two categories: creating content and posting content. Half the battle is creating content consistently. The other half is posting it consistently. To solve this problem, record and take photos, even if you don’t think you need to. And I know from experience how difficult this can be. Sometimes, we just don’t want to. Sometimes I’m not dressed nice, or my hair isn’t cut. But I do my best to make the most out of the times when everything is lined up.

If I got dressed and went somewhere, I’m going home with at least 15 videos and 48 photos. Before you freak out, know that I’m not talking about feature length films or perfectly posed photos. I mean clips that are sometimes two and sometimes 30 seconds. And most of them aren’t anything you’d consider “important” or “post-able.” Once, I just took video of an iguana being too close to me. Another time, I took a video of me in a crazy fast elevator, and at a different moment, talking about a pretty flower. I mix them all together in editing and post it all over time with a captain and overlays to make it relevant to the point I want to post about.

Maintain Consistency

I know the struggle of posting consistently, too. I can record and post for a week strong, but then 1 rainy day comes by, and I find myself not posting for weeks! I find that creating “content buckets” helps with this. Keep filming any and everything but instead of posting immediately, save everything in an album. Make sure the album is organized for your business or the topic. Whenever you need to post or have a drought where you can’t record anything new, go into your content bucket and find something that makes you smile. Then find a way to post it.

You can even use the same clip multiple times. Just make it a unique piece of content each time with different audio overlays, messaging, use it in a mashup, etc. Also, sometimes you record a video and hate it, but watch it again a week later and love it. I rarely post anything the day I made it. Keeping a bank of content options means I can stay consistent, even when I’m sick or on vacation. All it takes is a little planning.

Stay Safe

Also, keep safety in mind. Never post content while you’re at the location in question (unless it’s a Live and that’s the purpose). I always post after I’ve left the location I’m recording at. Don’t be afraid to go back and reshare your old stuff too. Trust me, not everyone saw it the first time, it’s still new to a ton of people.

In this business we need to stay relevant so regular posting may be the easiest way to remind someone of your existence and what you do. After all, it’s less intrusive than calling every day!

Khalid N. Bryan is a seasoned real estate broker and trainer based in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. As the proud owner and manager of The Investment Property Gurus LLC, a reputable real estate brokerage, he has been helping clients navigate the dynamic real estate market since 2014. With a wealth of experience and a passion for empowering others, he specializes in training aspiring real estate professionals to succeed in their careers. He currently serves as a Governor on the 2023 YPN (Young Professionals Network) Board with the Miami Realtors Association. Keep up with Khalid on InstgramYouTube, and make sure you check out The Investment Property Gurus’ website

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