Young female vlogger sits down on couch, in front of cell phone on a tripod to make a video for social media

Avoid Imposter Phenomenon by Being Authentic on Social Media

Monika Bhondy Marketing, Social Media 2 Comments

By Monika Bhondy Have you felt the pressure—and subsequent burnout—that comes from trying to keep up appearances as a real estate professional to push a specific narrative of success? Social media’s highlight reel makes it easy to feel like you must always put your best face forward. As a real estate professional, the pressure to perform, produce and be “on” …

Technology That Helps Sell Homes

Alex Capozzolo Marketing, Technology 1 Comment

By: Alex Capazzolo Although real estate agents have long capitalized on technology to help sell homes, new and innovative options keep coming. Many technological advances make selling a home easier and more intuitive, especially when paired with a good marketing plan. One thing is certain: technology keeps changing and advancing, so what should you use to sell homes? Here’s the …

Real Estate Agent Working On Laptop

Marketing Tips to Use When Competition is High

Alex Capozzolo Marketing 5 Comments

By: Alex Capazzolo In a competitive real estate market, it’s important to do all you can to sell a home. Around the country, the market is shifting from seller-focused to buyer-focused. California, for example, has seen dramatic drops in price as buyer falls. This time last year, houses sold almost as soon as they hit the market, even in more …

Instagram Influencer Marketing: Selling a Luxury Property

Blog Contributor Advertising & Prospecting, Sales Tips & Techniques, Social Media 6 Comments

By Joy Bender With 1 billion Instagram users, you’re missing out if you’re not using Instagram influencer marketing as part of your luxury property sales strategy. To help other real estate professionals figure out how to market on Instagram, I’ve created a two-part blog series. This post outlines what social media influencer marketing is and how can be advantageous to …