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I Have a Confession: I’m Addicted to My Phone

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Wade Corbett

We’re all guilty of working too much on occasion. It’s absolutely inevitable if you have the drive to challenge yourself and succeed at all costs… and we all have that, right? I’ll be the first to admit sometimes my vision for success overshadows my need for rest. But just as being lazy won’t get you anywhere, overworking yourself can be just as bad.

How do we create that perfect balance between work and play? Well, if you’re like me, you probably have a small panic attack when you can’t access your phone at any given moment. Do you sleep with your phone by your pillow? E-mail during meetings? Rest your phone on your bathroom counter when showering? Don’t do it!

If I was stranded on a deserted island and could only take one item, it would be my iPhone. I wouldn’t even take it to call for help, but to make sure that I didn’t get behind on my e-mails. Don’t think you’re that addicted? Next time you’re sitting still, notice how often you instinctively reach to check your phone for missed alerts.

It’s a common misconception among our real estate community that we must be accessible to everyone, all the time. However, don’t let the prospect of missed calls make you afraid to give your phone a rest. It’s important to set certain times of the day when you are “off.” Luckily, my iPhone has a really great feature that I’ve learned to utilize, a “Do Not Disturb” option that allows me to control when my phone makes noise and even when it lights up. Now I make sure that every client I work with understands that there are certain times when I am unavailable. Typically, they know they can leave a message and I’ll get back to them when I can.

On the contrary, when you are in work mode—during your set business hours—do the absolute best you can. Don’t stop or slow down. Working at this pace helps to build your business. But when your workday is done, put your phone down and relax. Trust me, you’ll accomplish so much more this way because just like our phones, we can get drained of batteries if we don’t take the time to recharge.

Wade Corbett is a REALTOR® with Re/Max Southland Realty in Garner, North Carolina. Connect with him at WadeCorbett.com or facebook.com/WadeCorbettInc.

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Comments 5

  1. Must…. put….phone…down…..
    I swear I must be attached to my phone by my hip. Or so it feels that way. Excellent article and it makes perfect sense. I find that if I block off my unavailability time I must keep to that time frame. If I’m available at 11 PM for one client, then it seems that I may be putting myself at risk by being too available.

  2. Dear Cousin Wade,
    What wisdom! You got it from your Mom, who got it from her mom, (your Grandma) and also both your terrific Great Grandmothers.
    Lucky lucky you.
    Be well.

  3. Must…. put….phone…down…..
    I swear I must be attached to my phone by my hip. Or so it feels that way. Excellent article and it makes perfect sense. I find that if I block off my unavailability time I must keep to that time frame. If I’m available at 11 PM for one client, then it seems that I may be putting myself at risk by being too available.

  4. Thanks Marilyn! The real estate side runs strong in our family (Star Wars pun intended)!

    Christine, I’ve found that by forewarning my clients that I have unavailable times I receive less texts, calls, and emails. I do however let my clients know that I am available to them in EMERGENCY situations. By emergency I mean they absolutely can’t wait until the next morning. That seems to work well most of the time. It’s all about your presentation.

    Chap, if they would hurry up and make waterproof phone I would probably shower and answer emails all in one shot. **Upon further thought, waterproof phones may be a bad idea.**

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