Quiz: Is Your Follow-Up Broken?

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Lee Davenport

By Lee Davenport

Have you ever heard the saying, “If it’s not broke, don’t fix it”? Yet, have you noticed that you don’t know what you don’t know?

Perhaps a method or strategy (or lack there of) is broken, yet because we don’t know it, we leave things as they are.

Using the poll option in Instagram Stories (which is a great lead generation tool, by the way), I proposed the statement: “If you don’t know where your next deal is, you need a new strategy.” A surprising percentage of respondents (41%) chose, “If it’s not broke, don’t fix it.” The problem, however, is that something is clearly broken if you are using a strategy (or don’t have a strategy) that elicits no result. That sounds backwards and it is.

Unfortunately, when it comes to our follow-up strategy, some of us are using methods that are broken and don’t realize things can be another way—a better way.

Here is a quiz to determine if your follow-up may be broken:

In case the embedded form above looks odd on your device, here are the questions:

  • How much exclusive time do you devote weekly to follow-up? Be honest. If you can say zero, then grade this question with a zero.
  • When you follow-up, how often is the content timely, relevant, and valuable? In other words, how often does your content speak to the person’s or business’s specific situation (e.g. personal milestones, opening a fifth location, downsizing, etc.)? Be honest. If you can say never, then grade this question with a zero.
  • What automation are you using that has made follow-up truly easier and more efficient? Be honest. If you can say none, then grade this question with a zero.
  • Which of your business inefficiencies have you given away to a competent company assistant or partner? Be honest. If you can say none, then grade this question with a zero.

If you had any zeros on this quiz, then you are likely ignoring the “4 Laws of Follow-Up.” The following is an overview of the laws from my 4 Laws of Follow-Up workshop.

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How can you improve your answers to these questions? These improvements will help you fix your follow-up starting today.

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, to transform their real estate sales game plan. Here’s to your success.

Dr. Lee Davenport is an Atlanta-based real estate coach who trains agents, teams, brokerages, and other business organizations on how to use today’s technology to work smarter. Join Lee’s free RE Tech Insider’s Club by visiting www.LearnWithLee.REALTOR.

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