By Anand Patel With conference season in full swing, I have met many new and seasoned real estate professionals debating if conferences are worth attending at all. For newer agents—the conference virgins—they look at the cost and automatically dismiss the events as too expensive to even consider. Some seasoned agents—those that have gotten rusty at it—are “too busy” to waste …
My #RETSO V.5 Review
By Stefanie Hahn Now that I’ve had time to digest all that I learned at Real Estate Technology Solutions’ RE Tech South (RETSO) conference, which was April 11-13 in Duluth, Ga., I decided to fill this video with the most important nuggets of information from the conference that could be helpful to your business. Take some time to check out …
10 Things to Do (or Not Do) at a Conference
By Kelly Reark We were all standing around complaining about our feet hurting in the shoes we chose, wondering if it was our third or fifth cup of Starbucks that day, when the idea hit me that maybe I should put together a quick list of dos and don’ts for anyone attending one of our marathon REALTOR® conferences throughout the …
Mark Your Calendars and Be There, Ya’ll
By Maura Neill Sure – the economy’s tanked, your market stinks, and money’s tight. I get it. But pull yourself up by your bootstraps and get on down South, ya’ll, for two of the best events you’ll attend all year. If you’re like me, you’re carefully planning where and when to spend not only your money but also your time. …
SeatSPAM: Greening Your Conference Experiences
By Brian Copeland I recently attended a conference. I had six straight days of travel and one tiny bag to take me on the multiple city flights; so, I had no room for anything extra. At the end of each day, I found myself swimming in “SeatSPAM.” It wasn’t in my e-mail box, my Facebook inbox, or even my Twitter …
Get Involved: Habitat for Humanity Event at REALTOR® Conference
YPN members: buy elavil online buy elavil online no prescription online pharmacy buy singulair no insurance with best prices today in the USA If you plan on attending the 2009 REALTOR® Conference & Expo in San Diego this November, consider participating in the Habitat for Humanity build. This will be the first “green” Habitat project. Only 80 people can participate …