Starved for Networking Events While Social Distancing? The New(ish) Clubhouse App Can Help

Blog Contributor Networking, Sales & Marketing, Technology & Social Media 8 Comments

By Lee Davenport In case you missed it, we are still social distancing. As a result, I have heard from many real estate pros asking how they can get in front of people and be part of a community online. You know, the OGs of connecting virtually with groups of new people on Facebook, Eventbrite, and Snapchat, to just name …

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Converting a Looker into a Buyer

Blog Contributor Business Challenges, Commitment to Excellence, Professional Development, Sales & Marketing 4 Comments

By Brett Caviness online pharmacy buy topamax with best prices today in the USA online pharmacy biaxin no prescription pharmacy It can be boring, spending a large amount of your weekends sitting or standing in what are sometimes vacant homes for hours on end.  For me, the value is developing strong communication and sales skills.  With a degree in communication …

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The No. 1 Reason Most Real Estate Pros Struggle to Close the Deal

Drew Burks Closing, Professional Development, Sales & Marketing, Technology & Social Media 3 Comments

By Drew Burks What’s in a number? I think we can all agree that not much has changed in the real estate industry over the years; so when social media took the world by storm, it was exciting to see how well it was received by real estate practitioners.  Unfortunately, there is an underlying principle being taught to practitioners and …