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I Quit Real Estate

Drew Burks Being a REALTOR®, Business Challenges, Personal Fulfillment, Short Sales & Foreclosures 16 Comments

By Drew Burks Breaking News … OK, this is hardly breaking news, but after 10 years in the real estate game this may come as a shock to a few people.  To be honest, it kind of shocked me that I am actually throwing in the towel! The past couple of years I have come to understand that my purpose …

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Cutting Through the Noise – Part 1

Drew Burks Personal Fulfillment, Professional Development, Technology & Social Media 1 Comment

By Drew Burks Are You Distracted? In today’s world most of us are overwhelmed with information, new products, and services, most of which provide little more than distraction to the average person. As a REALTOR®, it is definitely easy to get caught up in the hype of the latest technologies; after all, most of them are very appealing with the …

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10 Ways to Create Video Content for Your Real Estate Blog

Drew Burks Marketing, Professional Development, Technology & Social Media 10 Comments

By Drew Burks Video Marketing Attracts More Clients! With more than 2 billion videos viewed on YouTube each day, it’s obvious that video is HOT!  So why aren’t more real estate pros using video marketing to attract quality home buyers & sellers to their business? Most REALTORS® tell me that they don’t know where to start or how to create …

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3 Reasons Not to Attend RE Connect San Francisco!

Drew Burks Classes & Education, Professional Development, Technology & Social Media 2 Comments

By Drew Burks 2010 Real Estate Connect San Francisco This is one event I have always wanted to attend but never have.  Well, this year I made the choice to not only attend the event but to participate with my fellow YPNers during the afternoon session of Agent Reboot. Life is what we make it and we get out of …

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What Small Town USA Can Teach Us About Social Media

Drew Burks Technology & Social Media 9 Comments

By Drew Burks Does Facebook Privacy have you concerned? Lately, it seems like everyone is concerned about their online privacy … … I can’t help but ask what are you hiding? As a real estate professional, I use social media sites to expand and grow my business first and foremost; therefore, I want my information to be found easily.  In …

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The No. 1 Reason Most Real Estate Pros Struggle to Close the Deal

Drew Burks Closing, Professional Development, Sales & Marketing, Technology & Social Media 3 Comments

By Drew Burks What’s in a number? I think we can all agree that not much has changed in the real estate industry over the years; so when social media took the world by storm, it was exciting to see how well it was received by real estate practitioners.  Unfortunately, there is an underlying principle being taught to practitioners and …

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YouTube Tricks & Cool Mashups

Drew Burks Technology & Social Media 3 Comments

By Drew Burks It’s 11:30 p.m. as I’m writing this, my baby boy is finally sleeping, and all is quiet… and I just remember that I promised to submit a this blog post for YPN tomorrow. I must admit, I am feeling a bit panicked… you know that feeling of being behind, with time running out quickly.  I have one …

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5 Social Media Secrets to Attracting Motivated Clients

Drew Burks Professional Development, Technology & Social Media 3 Comments

By Drew Burks So what’s all the Buzz? It is safe to say that I am a believer in social media and blogging!  To my surprise, many are not and I know this because I hear from countless people daily… … “I have a website with a blog, a Facebook page, a Twitter account, a LinkedIn account and as of …

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Social Media: The Real Goal!

Drew Burks Professional Development, Technology & Social Media 1 Comment

By Drew Burks I’ve heard it said that … … “Life is all about who you know.” But, I believe there is something even more important. Who Knows You? That’s right… who knows you is far more important than who you know.  This may be one of the most valuable benefits of social media and quite possibly the one area …

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RE BarCamp Starts Off With High Energy!

Drew Burks Professional Development, Technology & Social Media 1 Comment

By Drew Burks. 2009 NAR Conference Blogger Downtown San Diego had a special electricity in the air this morning.  As I was pulling up to the Stingaree, location where RE BarCamp is being held, I immediately noticed small groups of people buzzing around.  The energy was similar to small children waiting to open gifts on Christmas morning, anticipation and enthusiasm …