By Dan Iampieri

Dan Iampieri
I’m the 21st century REALTOR®, so let me tell you more.
I’m digitally enhanced, slightly cropped, I’m fine tuned and on iTunes downloading a new ring tone for my iPhone.
I’m camera ready, custom made, plugged-in and ready to rate, constantly updating my status update.
I e-mail, I e-commerce, I e-trade, but my life is still far from easy. I text early and e-mail late, but I always Pay-Pal on time.
I have too many user-names, passwords, and trick questions.
I said goodbye to MapQuest, but put me to the test because I’m now on GPS.
I grew up with a Rubik’s Cube, but now I have my own channel on YouTube.
I got rid of MySpace because it’s not my look, but my life is no longer my business, I’m keeping you updated on Facebook.
I’m not lame, I like to do things, so I don’t watch HGTV, FLN, TLC or DIY, but I do have HDTV and I always rent “On Demand.”
I work late, I social network, I’m connected to a Wi-Fi network, I don’t have time for network TV, but love watching TV sitcoms on my DVR.
I’m too young to be in bed by ten, but too old for AOL IM.
I have no need for CDs, I’m 100 percent MP3s.
We might have a lot in common and maybe we should meet, follow me on Twitter and read my latest tweet.
The real estate boom is done, so relax and take a run, I’m making the best, I’m clearly having fun.
Well friends give me a call or write on my wall, but for now I must go – I’m the 21st century REALTOR®, now you know!
Dan Iampieri is a REALTOR® with WEICHERT, REALTORS® – Caton Properties in Ellicott City, Md. Social network with Dan at
Comments 6
Funny, insightful and ironically it makes me feel a little old (I’m 31 and I grew up with the Rubik’s cube too). Great posts. Thanks for it.
Learn what “Irony” is before you use the term. There is nothing ironic about what you said. What any of this has to do with being a “realtor” specifically is beyond me. You’ve just outlined the majority of American technology wannabes.
Nice, reminds me of me! And the above commentator is slightly rude. If you aren’t a Realtor with these qualities, you most likely aren’t getting business!!!
Allow me to explain to you, Ralphie Mae, “what any of this has to do…”
What Dan Iampieri is saying is that he is a realtor in the 21st century. Dan is high tech and he utilizes his tools to market his business and his name. He connects with people the average realtor could not dream to reach. You see, Ralphie, Dan is todays realtor. And he’s changing the way realtor business gets done. He is leading and if your not following, chances are your a “yesterdays” realtor.
Perhaps with a little more creativity and less negetivity, you would have followed his message.
I’m glad everyone likes the video. I love to poke fun at myself!!!
You are a class act, Dan. It was a pleasure doing business with you. I believe you are a marketing genius and I’m glad you were out there for me to find.