Turn Objections into Sales Opportunities

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Lee Davenport

By Lee Davenport

I’m not interested.
Some other time.
You don’t have to call me, I’ll call you.

If you’re “single and ready to mingle” this Valentine’s Day, you may know these are words of rejection. No means no in dating, PERIOD.

But in the world of residential real estate—where everyone needs a place to live—these words can be used to pivot into opportunities (if no other agent has a stake).

Don’t get me wrong, these are not opportunities to manipulate, harass, coerce, or be “slimy.” Rather, real estate professionals can use objections as a time to find ways to serve and become someone’s lifelong real estate “go-to” because you rolled up your sleeves in a time of need.

Let me explain with this quote from renowned psychologist, Marshall B. Rosenberg, PhD (1934 – 2015):

..hear the word “no” without taking it as a rejection… shine the light of consciousness on the feelings and needs behind someone else’s “no” [to] become cognizant of what they are wanting that prevents them from responding as we would like.

@GDJ, 2017.

When it comes to objections from people who don’t have a real estate agent and are not on a do not call list, “no” means needs overlooked (the reason for the no) and/or needs opportunity (for you to pair them with essential real estate resources they aren’t aware of).

To reiterate, this is NOT an opportunity to misguide potential clients. We should never force ourselves on people. Instead, we are assessing their needs to provide solutions.

Critical Step: Do a Needs Analysis

People make real estate decisions because of their needs, whether familial (e.g. parents moving in, children moving out, etc.), financial (e.g. leveling up, downsizing, job relocation, etc.) or something else impacting where they lay their heads at night. Typically, the situation dictates that they will make a housing change (whether now or five years from now), but the unknown is whether they use a real estate agent/broker and if it will be you.

You want it to be you.

In light of this, our mission is not selling, but ultimately meeting that person’s needs. Again, we are not trying to force people to buy, sell, or lease real estate. They already plan to do that. Our “why” should translate into us being a “match-maker,” “problem solver,” “fixer,” or any other synonym that describes how you must help people find the best real estate solution based on all aspects of their personal, often helter-skelter situation.

The question then isn’t, “why are they rejecting you,” but “what opportunity is there for you to serve their real estate needs?”

Think about each of your clients or leads and start asking the questions. Here are a few to get your “creative juices” flowing:

1. What are your plans for your home?
2. Is real estate part of your wealth/financial plan?
3. Are you in the home you want/need since_____ (name an economic or life event, such as birth of a child, job change, retirement, low interest rates, etc.)?
4. Do you know how real estate can help pay for each of your children’s/grandchildren’s college tuition?
5. If you could live anywhere, where would it be and why?

Watch more tips in my video below:

This post is an excerpt from my workshop, How to Pivot Objections from Rejections to Sales Opportunities.

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Dr. Lee Davenport is an Atlanta-based real estate coach who trains agents, teams, brokerages, and other business organizations on how to use today’s technology to work smarter. Join Lee’s free RE Tech Insider’s Club by visiting www.LearnWithLee.REALTOR.

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