Chris Nichols
By Chris Nichols
At his inaugural, NAR President Ron Phipps, issued a challenge to the members. He said, “We shouldn’t merely be the voice of real estate; we should be its architects and engineers.” I remember hearing those words and thinking about the responsibilities that architects and engineers have in the building process. Both refer regularly to a set of blueprints to accomplish the task of building.
As REALTORS® we have a set of blueprints that we need to refer to regularly. That set of blueprints would be the local real estate statistics for the market in which we practice.
Our clients are being bombarded by a barrage of negative statistics. Time Magazine’s September 2010 issue chose to attack the value of homeownership. The headline read, “RETHINKING HOMEOWNERSHIP: Why owning a home may no longer make economic sense.” This was the cover story they decided to focus on instead of the 5-year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans.
In response to this attack, NAR has quickly and effectively launched a public awareness campaign to combat the misinformation being spread by the media. It’s called the Home Ownership Matters campaign and you are at the core of its success. Please visit Realtor.org and download the flyer and learn about the facts of home ownership and how you too can spread the word. Home Ownership Matters to People… to Communities… to America!
Our clients depend on us to provide them with professional advice and guidance. Recently I was in the car with a client as we were driving around to see homes. The client commented on some negative housing reports in the Wall Street Journal. Thankfully I had just referred to our local market statistics report and was able to share some of those with this client. Not only did it help the client in their decision process and in their perception of our market, but it established me as a trusted professional in their mind.
Let’s take President Ron Phipps’ challenge to heart and not merely be the voice of real estate, let’s be its architects and engineers. Check with your local association of REALTORS® and find out today how you can help with the Home Ownership Matters campaign and learn more about your local market statistics.
Chris Nichols is a full time REALTOR® with Prudential Utah Elite Real Estate in Orem, Utah. Learn more about Chris at: buysellinvestutah.com, utahrepro.com or @utahREpro
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Definitely like your ‘local market information’ example and the thought towards becoming architects and engineers of real estate in our communities. On a larger scale than maybe our direct client base or sphere, but still on a local scale, how do you see your communities being influenced effectively in Utah (or your region)?
Was NAR saying “not to buy” back when the Real Estate bubble was about ready to pop?
Just curious if NAR ever said it is not a good time to buy Real Estate?
Many of my clients feel like Realtors always say it is a good time to buy, so they are starting to feel NAR is more interested in supporting Realtors than giving a honest market analysis.
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