Subhi J. Gharbieh
By Subhi Gharbieh
Have you ever thought about some things you can incorporate into your listing presentation that will really juice it up? Here are a few tips to help you get your listing presentation looking like Barry Bonds.
Show them:
1. Graphs, Charts, Tables of Market Data. Comps, recent sales, and anything that can be explained with numbers, make it visual! (If you’re a Mac user, I strongly recommend Numbers for Mac.
Very easy to use and make your numbers “pop.”)
2. Marketing. Show them your property flyers with your amazing photos. Show them your blog, videos, advertisements, postcards, etc. They want to see what you have done in the past and what you will do for them now.
3. Social Media.
Show them your Facebook business page. Twitter. Show them the different avenues you use to reach out to your following and how you market your listings on those networks.
4. Technology. If you have an iPad, make or upload your listing presentation in Keynote (Hands down, best Mac program to use when making presentations.) Bring an actual binded, professional looking listing presentation to the appointment, and bring your iPad also. Hand the iPad to the Seller and let them flip through the presentation on there while you go through the paper version. That alone will sell them.
**FYI- The new Realtor.com iPad App is AMAZING. Show it to them! Show them your listings and how they show on the App.
5. Testimonials.
If you can get video testimonials of recent clients who you have worked with, that says a lot about your service. Do it!
Consumers nowadays are visual. They have so much information available to them that it is not hard for them to see what the neighbor’s home is selling for, and other market data that is important to them. If I were to summarize this whole post in one sentence, I would say:
Don’t just tell them, show them!
Subhi J. Gharbieh is broker with Gharbieh & Associates Group at CLAY STAPP+CO. in Dallas. Connect with him at www.Gharbieh.com or on Twitter @subhig.