If you spend your days looking for opportunity, in essence you are telling yourself opportunity is elusive and you have to seek it out. That is far from the truth. By believing that everything happens for a reason, and by being present in the moment, we will begin to see that opportunity surrounds us.
How to Handle Negative Blog Comments
By Brooke Wolford online pharmacy zovirax no prescription pharmacy I recently received a really negative comment on one of my YPN Lounge posts. When I first received word of the comment, I was really taken aback. It seemed as if the person who commented had some personal issue with me. I was honestly very offended. I debated over the weekend …
The X Factor
By Stefanie Hahn The letter X hasn’t fared too well in the dot-com era. Once the mark of secret pirate treasures and “sign here if you would please” contracts, it has been relegated to second-class status ever since Microsoft introduced Windows95 as the letter you looked for when you want to make things go away. Facebook also selected the X …
Avoiding REALTOR®-to-REALTOR® Referral Nightmares!
By Brian Copeland online pharmacy https://yoga-psychology.co/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/themes/revia.html no prescription pharmacy Over the past few months, I’ve been catching wind of a LOT of referrals between YPNers. As Daddy Goose, I’m so proud! As Daddy Goose, additionally, I think it’s important we chat a little about how to handle those agent-to-agent referrals. Three weeks ago, I sent out three referrals to three …