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You Can’t Pay for Experience

Blog Contributor Commitment to Excellence, Customer Service, Professional Development, Sales & Marketing 4 Comments

By Brooke Wolford In the past year since I started my real estate marketing company Organamx, I’ve noticed one growing trend: Many people have the notion that you can pay to somehow prove that you’re successful. While you can pay for an amazing website, for placement on Google, and even for leads, spending money will never prove that you have …

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Understanding Client Psychology, Managing Expectations, and Communicating Effectively

Blog Contributor Business Challenges, Commitment to Excellence, communication, Customer Service, Residential Real Estate, Working with Clients Leave a Comment

By Sammer Mudawar Buying and selling residential real estate is one of the most emotional transactions consumers conduct. Understanding client psychology, managing expectations, and using effective communication are the three most valuable skills that a real estate professional needs to develop for a successful career with less stress. Client Psychology Understand the psyche of your client and your chances of …

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Are Short Sales Becoming a Thing of the Past?

Blog Contributor Customer Service, Helpful Tools, Mark-to-Market, Sales & Marketing, Short Sales & Foreclosures 2 Comments

By Jennifer Klein and Derek Sandoval Is your market changing like ours? Increases in home prices and home values here in Sacramento, Calif., is good news for homeowners who once thought they’d have to do a short sale. In our latest video, we discuss what the latest market conditions mean for our business and our clients. Jennifer Klein is a …

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Is Your Customer Service This Good?

Blog Contributor Customer Service, Sales & Marketing, Working with Clients 2 Comments

By Dave Robison My brokerage had one crazy month a few months ago.  We had five buyers who failed to perform on a contract and lost their earnest money.  Now in Utah, getting the buyer’s earnest money is supposed to be as easy as the buyer’s broker writing a check in about 24-48 hours.  But in all five cases it …