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Is the “Discovering Commercial Real Estate” Course for Me?

Melissa Tracey Commercial, Establishing Your Business, Professional Development 2 Comments

By Julie Cain Cwynar Have you ever asked yourself if commercial real estate may be for you? Not sure where to start or where to go for answers? The “Discovering Commercial Real Estate” course is an excellent place to begin! After taking the course, I feel as though I’ve just had an in-depth conversation with an experienced commercial broker who …

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FREE July 30 YPN Webinar on Social Media: Register Today!

Melissa Tracey Professional Development, Social Media, YPN News Leave a Comment

Learn how you can use social media to land new business. YPN will be hosting its first Webinar on July 30 featuring three real estate professionals who will share how they’ve leveraged social media in new ways to get more clients. Register online for this free Webinar > In case you miss it, the recording will be available shortly after …

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YPN: Get Ready for the REALTOR® Conference! Here’s Why You Can’t Miss It!

Melissa Tracey Professional Development, YPN Events, YPN News Leave a Comment

San Diego will be the place to be this fall! The 2009 REALTOR® Conference & Expo will be in San Diego Nov. 13-16, and YPN members will have plenty of opportunities to network and attend sessions to better your business! There will be a range of sessions to help you maximize technology, improve your prospecting, and jump-start your sales with …

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Poll: How Much Do You Spend on Closing Gifts?

Melissa Tracey Outreach, Polls, Professional Development, Sales & Marketing, Working with Clients 25 Comments

REALTOR® Magazine online will be featuring an upcoming article about closing gifts, and we want to hear from you! Please answer our two poll questions below and, if you’re interested in sharing your thoughts for the article, send us your comments to our two extra questions below or just share your comments on this blog. <a href=”http://answers.polldaddy.com/poll/1806038/” mce_href=”http://answers.polldaddy.com/poll/1806038/”>How much on …

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Turning your idea of a real estate conference upside down.

Todd Carpenter Professional Development, YPN Events 1 Comment

One year ago today, the expectation involved in how a real estate conference has to be structured was turned on its ear. One year ago today, RE BarCamp San Francisco marked the real estate industry’s entry into the world of un-conferences. What’s an unconference? What does BarCamp mean? Don’t let the odd names scare you off. Simply put, this is …

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Hello?! Is Anybody Listening?

Darrin Friedman Outreach, Professional Development, YPN News 4 Comments

By Darrin Friedman Question: Are you out there? Answer: No – you’re not! Not all that long ago I was asked to be a contributing blogger for the YPN Lounge, a blogging community made up of youngish real estate pros and brokers from across the country to share their unique perspective while maintaining a nurturing environment. What happened?  We let …

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Become a YPN Lounge Blogger

Blog Contributor Professional Development, YPN News 4 Comments

The YPN Lounge blog is written by a team of young professionals from across the country. If you are a member of the National Association of REALTORS®, as well as a local YPN, and would like to be considered as a YPN blogger, please send an e-mail to REALTOR® Magazine’s Consulting Editor Erica Christoffer at echristoffer@realtors.org. Please include the following …

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5 New YPN Chapters: Find One in Your Area

Melissa Tracey Outreach, YPN Chapters 2 Comments

YPN-national would like to welcome five new chapters of YPN: Greater Nashville Association of REALTORS® (Nashville, Tenn.) Columbus Board of REALTORS® (Columbus, Ohio) Houston Association of REALTORS® NextGen (Houston, Texas) Ada County Association of REALTORS® (Boise, Idaho) San Diego Association of REALTORS® (San Diego, Calif.) Don’t see your city on the list? The Young Professionals Network boasts local and state …

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Welcome to the New (and Improved) YPN Lounge

Melissa Tracey YPN News 1 Comment

Are you ready to connect to young real estate professionals across the country? Welcome to the YPN Lounge, the hub for young pros. We’ve moved our location so bookmark The YPN Lounge blog’s new URL! You can still view older YPN Lounge blog posts, but this will serve as our blog’s new home. Sign up for the YPN Lounge RSS …