The kids are eager to help with all the moving

Help Clients Avoid Moving Scams

Blog Contributor Buyers, consumers, Sellers, Working with Clients 5 Comments

By Anita Clark Moving scams are real and if you or your clients have ever been victimized, you know how difficult the frustration and struggle is to get your property. While real estate agents are typically not involved in the moving aspect of home relocation, they can provide advice or even provide a list of potential sources to make the …

New and Improved Year, New and Improved Appraisals

Blog Contributor [Demographic-based grouping], Fair Housing, Sellers 2 Comments

By Lee Davenport Happy 2022, real estate friends! January is the perfect time to challenge yourself to see, stretch and grow your business. Coach’s Challenge This year I want to challenge everyone to identify and partner with real estate lenders and appraisers who actively use robust policies to prevent appraisal bias; and, in instances when appraisal bias may be discovered, …

3 Reasons the Real Estate Market Could Change in 2022

Blog Contributor Buyers, Mortgage Financing, real estate, Sales & Marketing, Working with Clients 5 Comments

By Hazel Emlen As we roll into the new year, one of the hottest topics nationwide continues to be the real estate market. It’s no surprise since 2020 and 2021 proved to be record-breaking years for real estate! Most people in the industry have been the busiest they’ve ever been. In describing the last two years, the word that comes …

Case Study: How Real Estate Pros Help Buyers and Sellers Avoid Costly Mistakes

Blog Contributor Being a REALTOR®, Buyers, Code of Ethics, Ethics & Policy, Fraud, Negligence, & Liability, Hazard & Disclosures, Sellers 13 Comments

By Neil Goradia “OMG! My agent just made $7,000 and all they did was list my property!” Does this sound familiar? How often have you felt the need to defend your commission as a real estate agent? This article is not to beat up on for sale by owners. In fact, there are plenty of times that it works great. …

Keeping Business Afloat During a Pandemic

Blog Contributor Business Challenges, Working with Clients 4 Comments

By Samantha Jones My, how times change. In the span of a few weeks, our entire world and industry has been turned upside down. The Earth keeps spinning while the normalcy of our lives is indefinitely put on hold due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We’re living in unprecedented times—social distancing, sheltering in place, and quarantines have become necessities. Repeat after …

Two professionals look at a computer.

Attract and Retain More Millennial Clients

Blog Contributor Sales & Marketing, Sales Tips & Techniques, Technology 1 Comment

By Dale Swanton Millennials are all grown up! The generation that came of age around the turn of the century are now in their 20s and 30s. While generational groups can be difficult to define with any specificity, the Pew Research Center, one of the country’s leading research institutions, considers millennials to be those born between 1981 and 1996, making …

Two people shaking hands in front of a house.

5 Tips to Help Sellers Navigate Multiple Offers

Blog Contributor Sales & Marketing, Sales Tips & Techniques 2 Comments

By Samantha Jones Autumn is all about embracing change, such as the falling temperatures, pumpkin-spice everything, and shifting markets. While inventory levels fluctuate around the country, it’s still common to receive multiple offers on listings in many areas. Serving as a trusted resource with proper advice for your sellers is just as important heading towards the holidays than ever. On …

3 Reasons Cold Calling Isn’t Dead

Blog Contributor Outreach, Sales & Marketing, Working with Clients Leave a Comment

By Alexis Craig For a long time, I couldn’t make a cold call. I have a stutter and it’s noticeable when I’m nervous or talking to strangers. But I wanted to see if I could use cold calling as a lead acquisition and growth strategy. I initially expected cold calling to be a large waste of my time. I believed all …

Tips for the Spring Market

Blog Contributor Consumer, Sales & Marketing, Working with Clients 2 Comments

By Drew Heasley The spring market is traditionally the hottest real estate market across the country. For my area in Pennsylvania, the busiest parts of the year are early spring and then again when school lets out. As an agent, you need make sure you and your clients are prepared for these annual peaks. Sellers Your sellers will be asking …

Resolve to Stop Losing Listings

Blog Contributor Consumer, Sales & Marketing, Sellers Leave a Comment

By Lee Davenport Listing Leader — Is this title on your New Year’s resolution list? How about on your business plan for this year? I’m here to tell you, that you can make it happen. Here are four considerations to help, but only if you’re willing to subscribe to the notion of “out with the old, in with the new.” …