By Anand Patel “Why do you do this for free?” “What do you get out of it?” “When do you have time to make money?” “Why do you waste your time with that?” “What’s the point?” If you volunteer some of your time and talents to National Association of REALTORS® (or any other organization) at the local, state, or national …
Professional Courtesy: Where Did It Go?
By Wade Corbett It never ceases to amaze me how REALTORS® can treat each other sometimes. I recently had an experience with a buyer’s agent who could not have been more rude or bullheaded. I never like to talk poorly about anyone as it’s not my nature and I don’t think it’s very professional, but in this case, it may …
Did You Hear the One About the Agent Who Sold that Home…?
By Dave Robison Sometimes selling is complicated. Sometimes, a home can sit for weeks, months, even years before there’s so much as a bite. But with the right knowledge and dialogue, selling a home can be as easy as telling a buyer’s agent one simple thing. In 2011, I wrote a post about the power of one sentence to attract …
The Drug Called Negativity
By Dave Robison online pharmacy buy lexapro online no prescription pharmacy online pharmacy order zocor no prescription with best prices today in the USA It was a beautiful day and I was excited to get working. One of my agents, Debbie, came into the office all ready to start her day, too. She had a buyer who, though she had …
Don’t Be That Guy
By Brooke Wolford It could just be me, but are you questioning why we still run into bad photos and poor property descriptions? It seems like a slight epidemic in my world lately. Every single time I run into this I always get a little frustrated and wonder how this happens. A few examples: 1. A listing description that said, …
Best Practices for Multiple Offer Situations
By Scott Newman Real estate is back in 2012 in a big way. Many markets are seeing price increases in response to dwindling inventories as more and more buyers are getting off the fence every day. With that in mind — especially since it’s been so long since we’ve had the opportunity to use the phrase “multiple offer” — I …
Working With High Profile Clients
By Scott Newman I recently had the privilege to do some work for high-profile clients. While I did enjoy working with them, I was reminded of just how different their expectations can be. As such, I thought it would be pertinent to review some simple tips and strategies so that should you ever have the opportunity to work with such …
How to Handle Negative Blog Comments
By Brooke Wolford online pharmacy zovirax no prescription pharmacy I recently received a really negative comment on one of my YPN Lounge posts. When I first received word of the comment, I was really taken aback. It seemed as if the person who commented had some personal issue with me. I was honestly very offended. I debated over the weekend …
Volunteer Your Way to Success!
By Anand Patel online pharmacy naprosyn for sale no prescription pharmacy online pharmacy order zyprexa online with best prices today in the USA I have a wonderful agent in West Palm Beach, Fla., who decided he wanted to give back by getting involved with his local chapter of Habitat for Humanity. While on site at his first project, he struck …
Scrutinize Your Vendors
By Cory Brewer Having a buddy who is a handyman, or a friend of a friend who paints in their spare time, is great…but trying to save a quick buck or two now could cost you, your brokerage, and your client a lot more down the road. When prepping a home for the market or making inspection repairs, thoughtful consideration …